- Landscape-Subhash Bhatt
- Thus life is the search for space for our feeling and expression. Where everlasting possibilities shine
At the same time a word called 'space' is used which has many meanings and uses. It is also used in astronomy and in relationships. The space of thinker and architect, of dancer and of designer, of lover and of bereavement is different. The space to see the world of the philosopher and to see oneself is different. If there is truth in the space of Socrates then there is love in the space of Jesus. In Radha's circle there is Milan, in Mira's circle there is separation.
Tolstoy had a story that how much land does a man need in the end? Space means not only land but also psycho-emotional space. Here is an example. Sometimes when we go to our favorite place after a long interval we feel something like this. The sunset from my armchair is no longer visible due to the new building. My bamboo was cut down due to everyone's complaints so many of my bird friends' nests, seats, rest stories and songs were gone. And the length-width of life can be measured from anywhere but yes, if the depth of life is to be gained then a hut or a sacred space formed by silence and solitude is required.
Sacred space should be a unique right. With an unbroken boundary, everyone should be born with a personal and sacred space that is forever untraceable and unquestionable. A vicious circle where his friendship is astronomical and geographical, where his relationship is also delayed. Here a person can hide and handle all his valuables. Here its, lack and fullness can save solitude and loneliness, meaninglessness and failure, bitterness and sweetness, dawn and dusk; There is a word in Chinese called 'Gungendo'. It means a place where a person can express himself. Let us also check if we have any sky or dwelling, cottage or kubo, room or porch, asana or ashiya where we can live by writing our legend from first to last breath? Where can Rachel herself sing a song? Where can a delicate plant of friendship grow? Where can one's silence be heard? Where to talk in private?
Thus life is the search for space for our feeling and expression. Where constant possibilities shine between six moments and place, between word and thought, between words and silence of friends, between summer and autumn of relationship ...
Jeevan Sadhana is one and the same. If not? Beloved poet Manoj Khanderia says six
Asking the door - to the door - or to Todla
Why is there sadness at home? Asking emptiness.
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