- Eyesight-Hershal Pushkarna
- 3D (Humanities-Science-Environment) aspects of the unknown side of the Wage Vs Non-Wage issue, which has been under the scrutiny of Dharma-Jivadaya for years in India and for some days in Gujarat.
- 5% of the world's arable land is reserved for feeding animals and birds. The problem of hunger and malnutrition will be greatly alleviated if a large share of this is allocated to human beings in the form of rice.
The chances are slim, but let's just assume for a minute that all the population of the non-vegetarian world will be completely vegetarian by 2025. Wheat, rice, lentils, pulses and vegetables are given up in their language by giving up meat forever. If this happens, the global demand for vegetables and grains will increase tremendously, which will lead to food shortages for vegetarians who can get wheat, rice, pulses, vegetables, fruits, etc .; Really?
Considering that 80% of the world's population (approximately 200 crore people) is Samish, the answer to the above question naturally comes to mind. But that answer is wrong. Because not only are the facts different, but so are the contradictions. When 200 crore people of the world give up non-veggies, then the diet of vegetarians is far from shrinking. He eats two tanks in his mouth. Government and private organizations that have been working for years to end hunger under the banner of Fight Against Hunger have to happily coordinate their activities. No man in the world eats on an empty stomach.
If all this sounds like a dream come true then understand that Khwab is not a brand brand. There is logic in theory and logic is the breath of solid facts. The whole thing is understandable with a detailed analysis.
Our Divya Vasundhara covers an area of about 51 million square kilometers, of which about 70% of the land is submerged under seas, rivers and lakes. Excluding human settlements, forests, inaccessible mountainous regions, valleys, deserts etc. from the remaining land, cultivation is done on about 20 million square kilometers of land. (Reference United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization). Such a vast farmland is feared to fill the stomachs of all 354 million people of the world with the plentiful harvest of wheat, rice, pulses, vegetables, fruits etc. On the contrary, the world's farms are capable of feeding a total of 10 billion people, even if the world's population of another 25 crore is increased.
However, look at the contrast that even though mankind has the potential to produce a meager supply of food, even today 200 million people in the world suffer from hunger and malnutrition. Other reasons for this (such as poverty, disorder, and chaos) are true, but let's put them aside in the context of our discussion. Understand how to fill the stomachs of many of the 80 million victims.
Mankind has developed 40 million square kilometers of land for agriculture. But what is the share of human beings on that land? Maximum 3%! The remaining 5% of the land is reserved for anthropomorphic species. This means that tons of produce like wheat, barley, maize, soybean etc. taken on it is used to fill the stomachs of cows, buffaloes, sheep, goats, poultry, pigs etc. In the world's farms, 90 per cent of the crops of corn and barley, which provide meat, are consumed in the stomachs of poultry and cattle. About 5% of soybean crop is given to them. On a daily basis, the animals and birds, which have become obsessed with eating such bulk and protein rich food, reach the slaughterhouse in total and after that it is absorbed in the stomachs of 200 crore people of the world.
From a scientific point of view, such a business is like killing a good buffalo to get a tahri (leather rope). Thermodynamics means that heat (according to the laws of kinetics, when one energy is converted into another (e.g. burning coal in a thermal power station into electricity), some of the energy is not wasted. For example, when sheep and goats as well as poultry are given five kilograms of vegetable protein as food, they provide only 1 kilogram of protein to non-veg men with their own meat. When a kilogram of grain is fed, barely 1 kilogram of meat is obtained. (By the way, America receives 314 billion kilograms of beef every year.)
On the other hand, suppose that 25 kilograms of grain is allocated for human beings instead of animals, then it can fill the stomachs of some people! If we talk about rice just for the sake of reference, then according to the traditional standard of calculation, a handful (about 50 grams) of rice produced after cooking would be enough for one tank of food for the average person. The implication is that the problem of hunger and malnutrition would be greatly alleviated if a large portion of the world's 5 farms dedicated to meat-giving animals and birds were allotted to human beings. Doing so in the name of humanity.
Now let's talk about the environment. The production of grain for livestock is such that a quarter of the total supply of fresh water available to mankind is used for irrigation in the fields. The loss-making business is here too, as 506 liters of water is required to produce one kilogram of wheat, while 1,500 liters of water is used at different stages to get one kilogram of beef. If you want to get 1 kg of pork, you need 2,200 liters of salt water, but in case of chicken, the figure is 2,200 liters. According to the findings of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the average person who eats Samish food three times a day is indirectly responsible for 15,130 liters of water consumption daily. Vegetarians, on the other hand, consume about 1,12 liters.
The example of the South American country Argentina is worth examining in terms of environment. Here 50% of the total cultivable land is used for soybean cultivation. About 70% of the soybean crop that is harvested in the fields during the rainy season is delivered to the cattle farms in the Chaco / Chaco province. Humanity gets only 50% share! To promote low-income businesses ranging from meat to khal, the Argentine government is clearing 450,000 hectares of forest every year and setting up soybean farms there. Brazil, a country of degraded Amazon forests, has also been acquiring arable land at the expense of forests to feed its meat-producing cattle. It is not to be forgotten that in this type of cleaning campaign not only the vegetation but also the animals and birds that do not feed on it are wiped out.
Last and foremost in the pursuit of the environment. A few years ago, a research institute called Gerbens-Leenes and Nonhebel published a research paper on the environmental impact of preparing veg as well as non-veg foods. According to experts at the institute, about 12.5 kilograms of carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere in order to obtain 15 kilograms of beef. When a comparable sedan-type motor car burns three and a half liters of fuel, it emits 2.5 kilograms of carbon dioxide as a byproduct. The average person who eats beef or other poultry for many months emits about 2,500 kilograms of carbon dioxide a year. Vegetarians consume 1,200 kilograms a year and those on a vegan type diet contribute 1,500 kilograms of carbon dioxide pollution every year.
In creating the greenhouse effect, the livestock itself is like a rotating factory of pollution. During the metabolic process, a large amount of methane is produced in the stomach of a cow which is constantly chewing food, which the cow beats out every 20 seconds for its excretion. If you calculate the whole year, 120 kilograms of methane is released into the atmosphere by Gaumukh. Given that about 250 million cows go to the slaughterhouse each year for beef, a simple calculation of how many tons of methane gas is transferred from their stomachs to the air during the day is a simple calculation. To understand the severity of the figure after deduction, it is important to know that methane gas is 25 times more soluble than carbon dioxide in creating a greenhouse effect.
All these discussions would not have taken Adarya to prove that vegetarian food is better. The choice of vegetarian or non-vegetarian food is a personal matter, so the third person does not have the right to decide which one to adopt. At the heart of the above discussion, built on a solid foundation of solid statistics, is the fact that when it comes to non-wage versus wage, scientific facts, the environment and especially the 200 million victims of hunger and malnutrition should not be marginalized. Violence, religion, theology and religious ideas can be relative, not science and scientific facts. It is absolute and will remain. ■
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