Who are you .

Who are you Every human being has the answer to this, yes or no, man has to find the answer from his inner self by doing inner sadhana, until you find the answer, you will not get the ultimate truth, that is, the ultimate essence, and it is impossible to get complete freedom. You have to suffer in sorrow and grief,

That is why Yoga Darshan clearly states that man should not meditate on the subtle consciousness of the body, from the gross form to the subconscious, and from the heart, by meditating on the meditative perception of Samadhi. But in depth, to know is to know, to know in this way is to know to be free from our changed nature and to be stable in eternity.

In yoga philosophy, it is appropriate to control this body of Panchmahabhuta and its twenty five types of nature, the human body is a prison, it also has the great gate of liberation, that is why in yoga philosophy the base nadis chakras in the body are described in detail. There is a longing to know how to open the door of great bliss of Mahamukti by knowing it properly, this is another name for longing The mind has to be fixed in it, for this the mind instinct has to be restrained, that is, the mind has to be fixed in absolute rest. This purpose and purpose is the inner sadhana of yoga, for this one has to search inwardly.

The name of doing such inter-enlightenment is inter-sadhana, then it is to achieve enlightenment through inter-bhakti, through knowledge, through nishkam karma or through yoga through inter-sadhana, i.e. nothing is possible without awareness of inter-light kundalini. All the sadhanas are one hundred percent useless until you get the eternity in the Sahasra Chakra, awakening to the three-pointed sleeping kundalini of our Muladhara Chakra. Only fear is the great factory of spreading illusions and illusions and nurturing ego, the means to achieve this eternity have not fallen by the wayside, that is to say, complete patience, spiritual truth, faith, and truthfulness, if you accept these three with a healthy mind. Only then can you proceed in this sadhana.

Thus on this road there is no sadhana to be done in public, Kundalini i.e. divine consciousness is lying in the base with Google, it has to be awakened only by inter sadhana, it is never awakened by extroverted sadhana and without its awakening it will not come in any hand, human body from this earth element. Is made, so it is natural that all the virtues of the earth will not remain without religion in man. The power to pull thus is the natural power that is the power of the dormant Kundalini.

Self-vision, unless man removes this circle of selfishness from inter-sadhana through inter-sadhana, that is, until man is fixed in a totally unattached spirit, in spiritual truth, and in the instinct of enjoyment, thus accepting these three things from the heart and following them in life. Stability in the soul, emptiness in nature, steadfast in self-religion, man cannot move forward towards becoming, this basic thing must be known by man with heart and self.

Our horoscope is called three anta vali because we have three periods in which present, past and future three states, in which dream awakening, and dormancy three instincts in which sattva rajas and tamas thus human beings are always rejoicing in these three. That is, whatever is done by settling in the three becomes the circumambulation of man's ego, and ego is the root of the same misery. So the inner sadhana of yoga is to strive to rise above these three stages, to rise above all three, that is, to rise above change, to be eternally stable, that is the great achievement of life,

-Philosopher v. Patel
