Take advantage of winter: Create a fitness program for good health

-   Before creating a fitness program, you should understand that it will take time to get the right result, it requires more time, endurance and activism.

Three months ago, I was amazed to see the one-time-looking Mrs. Sangeeta Shah. The wife of a well-known doctor and also a beauty expert herself, today at the age of 2-3 years looked so obese that in a conversation with her I found out that in the conversation with her, she found out that the doctor gave her a lot of bodybuilding drugs and kept dieting for a long time. It didn't just fall.

Sangeeta said, "Looking at my face, people do not understand my age only more than 2-3 years, but looking at my body, it seems that it must have been 20-2 years. So I am a beautician, so I can maintain the beauty of my face with beauty treatments and reduce my true age to 2-3 years, but my obese body turns water on all these. "

When the same Sangeeta Shah was found again today, she looked thin, symmetrical, tight and beautiful. In three months it had changed dramatically. She was no longer over 6 years old. When I asked him about the secret of this change, he said, "For the first 15 days and a half, I did regular yoga and exercise for a month and a half, and I made those yogasanas a part of my daily routine." That's when we do yoga and exercise, but we don't add them to our daily routine forever. "

The music is quite true. We cannot keep every part of our body active on the pretext of work. Yogasana, exercise or aerobics exercise means that every part of the body moves regularly and in the right order so that no excess fat accumulates on the limbs.

Whether you are obese or thin, you must create a fitness program and adhere to it for the rest of your life. The effects of aging will not be felt on your thin, healthy and tight body, as it will not accumulate fat in your body and will not result in weight gain.

Before creating a fitness program it is very important to decide whether you want to thin your whole body or thin some parts of the body. In most women, the lower part of the arms and waist become more fleshy and thick, while the upper part of the legs and waist is relatively thin.

Before creating a fitness program, you should understand that it will take time to get the right result, it requires more time, endurance and activism. A few days after you start exercising you will have trouble getting on the bus, sitting upright on the ground and holding your toes, but so you should not give up your 'fitness program'. Occurs.

Doing aerobics gives strength and vitality to the body. In the same way isortanics exercises will bring stability, mobility and softness in the body parts.

Aerobics includes running, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, etc. In this exercise every part of the body moves and the whole body stays healthy and balanced. Doing so gives the body the oxygen it needs and at the same time regulates the heart rate. So that there is no difficulty in breathing. It also has a good effect on the function of your lungs, thus increasing your strength.

Isortanics exercises include both yogasana and exercise. In this, certain parts of the body are made more active through exercise, so that the fat accumulated in a certain place and also the extra weight can be reduced. Exercise can make obese body parts tight, balanced, strong and energetic.

To do aerobics and isortanic exercises you need clothes and shoes that are comfortable for your body and do not put pressure on any part of your body during exercise and do not cause any discomfort in the movement of limbs. In the same way, shoes should be worn instead of sandals or slippers, so that the muscles of the feet and toes do not get tight during the exercise.

Secondly, wearing such shoes should not injure you in any way while running and jogging in your feet and paws or while walking. All you have to do is buy canvas or special running shoes. Running shoes are considered the most suitable. Jogging suits for jogging, outing or running can also be a dress suit or a shirt or a t-shirt. If you are ashamed to wear such a dress, you can also wear a salwar kurta. Salwar kameez should be narrow. So keep your legs higher than the exercise, so that your salwar does not slide beyond the knees. This suit can also be worn while cycling, but for swimming you must wear a swimsuit and a swim cap.

The isortanics exercise also includes tennis, badminton, squash and roller skating for which you can wear a shirt, t-shirt or salwar kurta. The home of the kurta should not be too much.

Caution and advice

This is the dress and shoes that most sisters care about. Many sisters want to exercise just by wearing a sari, but if you really want to make your body tight and attractive then you have to follow certain rules.

Apart from this there are some other basic rules about exercise which must be followed. Exercise should be done in the summer evenings, as the weather is cool and humid in the late evening. After lunch or dinner, if you don't need to run, you can stay for an hour after lunch and walk under the pretext of shopping. If you can't get out of the house in the afternoon, you should walk indoors. If the weather is cold, take a warm bath. Bathing under the shower will bring something unique and refreshing.

Create an exercise schedule as you plan. The program can be made as long as a week or a month. Then keep changing the schedule. For this, keep in mind the following:

- Do jogging and arm exercises in the morning on the first day of the exercise program. Go for a walk after lunch or dinner. Continue this program for one week.

- Start running a little slower the next week and increase that speed every week. Initially you should only run for 8-10 minutes, then run for 15 minutes and increase it to 30 minutes. Doing so strengthens the leg muscles and provides the body with adequate oxygen.

- Maintain your shoulder balance while jogging or running. First stand on your heels, then run or jog at a slower pace with a little emphasis on your paws.

- If you are short of breath rather than running or jogging, slow down or walk faster instead of standing.

- Take a deep breath or come to a relaxed position after completing the exercise of running, jogging or walking so that you will experience relief and happiness.

- The body should not be stretched while jogging or running and your limbs should not be tight. Your fists should not be closed or your paws straight. Hands should be slightly open in a comfortable position. If the fist is closed, the hand starts sweating. Pulling the veins of the other hand also affects the blood circulation.

- Running or jogging continuously for 15 minutes consumes about 150 calories of energy.

- Get in the habit of walking about two kilometers every day rather than slowly. Walking also reduces body fat expenditure and keeps the body tight.

- If you don't like jogging or running, you can exercise to the tune of a dance exercise or aerobics cassette. This will be an exercise and will refresh the mind along with the body.

- After walking or running in the morning, oil massage should be done on the feet. This relaxes the stretched muscles and makes them as soft as before.

- Instead of walking or running in the morning, you can do cycling or swimming is also a good exercise. It all depends on your will.

- If none of this suits you, then the exercise of jumping rope at home is also very good. Initially skip for two minutes without pausing. Then go ahead and increase the time. Aim to jump 50-60 times per minute. Keep skipping twice a day in the beginning. Then increase it to three times a day. This will tighten your muscles and transfer energy to the body.

- If you don't want to do this, do aerobics at home. This gives exercise to all the organs of the body and speeds up the blood circulation. As a result, the muscles get more oxygen. Run or walk briskly before starting aerobics. This will increase the heart rate, then take a few deep breaths, then relax the body for a while.

Some tips on exercise

Running, walking, swimming or aerobics in the early morning and playing tennis, badminton, squash, roll skating etc. in the morning and evening provide exercise to all the organs of the body. As the blood circulation speeds up, the amount of oxygen in the muscles and blood vessels increases, causing excess fat to be burned. Thus obesity increases strength and vitality in the body. You can choose any one of the above exercises for morning and evening exercise.

Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for hair extensions.

- Implement exercise planning with hand exercises.

Move both hands to the right, left and up. Then rotate both the hands in a semi-circular direction from the top of the head. Try to touch the toes with the fingertips.

- Do neck, face and eye exercises with or after hand exercises. If you wish, you can also put it in the last order in the exercise planning.

- After this do arm and chest exercises. This will make the breasts curvy, only chest exercises can be done after hand exercises, so that the waist will become thinner. The bust area will increase, the back muscles will be smoother and smoother, resulting in a smooth, strong and beautiful look from the shoulders to the waist.

- After the chest exercise, do exercises to make the abdomen and lower part of the waist symmetrical and thick. This is the part of women who are overweight and obese. That is why even though it is beautiful, it looks awkward. Also, the buttocks become very thick.

- Exercise of these organs must be done regularly whether the abdomen and lower part of the waist are obese or not. This will reduce if there is excess fat and will not increase if not. This exercise will thin the lower part of the chest,

The body structure will be curved and the muscles of the limbs from the chest to the knees will be strengthened. Just remember that if the thighs and buttocks muscles are strong, then the amount of fat will not increase, as a result your whole body will become shapely and attractive.

So this is your fitness plan or fitness program. Plan it today and start implementing it. No matter what your skin type is, if you have a shapely body, you will look 10-12 years younger than your age.

When not to exercise?

Exercise should be stopped immediately if any part of the body is affected by the exercise or the muscles near the thighs are swollen. Often when people exercise for long periods of time due to excessive exertion, the muscles in the thighs, lower back muscles and limbs become paralyzed.

Leotards can be worn for exercise as well as leg wear on the feet. Leotards are comfortable and facilitate the movement of all the limbs of the body.

Yes, you should not exercise these days if you are sick or have a fever. Just walk around the house. If you are over 3 years old and you have high blood pressure or heart disease, it is important to consult your family doctor or a specialist before starting a fitness program.
