Heroines like Madhuri Dixit and Sridevi got married and settled down after earning both name and price in Bollywood for years. Both left the film industry after reaching the top of their careers. While Bhagyashree Patwardhan's first film 'Maine Pyaar Kiya' (19) was a super-duper hit, she said goodbye to Bollywood to marry her school and college boyfriend Himalaya Dassani. Bhagyashree Dharat would have had a line of producers at his door after Rajshree Productions' film with Salman Khan. She got the asking price, but she stumbled upon the world of glamor and heaps of wealth and took four rounds again.
Today, it has been almost 3 years, but in all these years, Bhagyashree has never regretted leaving films. Years after becoming a mother, she returned to Bollywood and in some films, her husband became the heroine of the Himalayas, but her career never reached the heights it should have. Actresses are now turning to the small screen as the offer of films is declining. Today, his son has become young and is preparing to make an entry in films. Now, in an interview given to an English daily, Bhagyashree Patwardhan Dassani has started talking about his love story like a fairy tale with Himalayas. Let us know the love story of the actress who became the heartbeat of thousands of young people after the release of 'Maine Pyaar Kiya' in the same words:
To be honest, the Himalayas and I did not fall in love at first sight. Maths has played an important role in bringing us closer together. We were both students of Jamnabai School in Parla. We became friends in the ninth grade. I was already brilliant. She scored 5% marks in each exam, which was considered a great achievement. I was clever in all subjects of Bikai except one Maths while Maths of Himalayas was good. I used to sit in the library and learn maths from her. Meanwhile, 'Ankho hi ankho mein' fell in love. Because of the Himalayas, I got 9% in Maths in 9th standard. '
Of course, we did not have a good relationship at school. He was made a class monitor as Himalaya was a drunkard, but I never listened to him and never accepted his supremacy. When it came to dropping out of school after SSC, there were many quarrels between us in the class. I will miss it.
But, the above plan was something different, we reunited at Mithibai College. There was a land-sky distance between the Himalayas and my nature. She loved to have fun and have fun when I was a very dazed and introverted girl. Even though we met every day in college, we only talked during the 15 minute break. I don't like lecturing. Although from time to time he persuaded me to watch a movie with a lecture bunk, then it became a routine. Our gangs often go out to see movies.
The Himalayas always bring flowers for me, even today. Once he told me 'I love you' to fulfill my insistence but I did not respond in the same way. Embarrassed, she ran away. We would sit in a restaurant near the college and chat for hours. This brought seriousness to our relationship and strengthened our bond. You may be surprised to know that there was a one year breakup between us after college. When we got back, the matter reached marriage. I don't even know why and how. Except for Mommy and Daddy in the Himalayas, everyone opposed our marriage. Everyone seemed to think I was not old enough to get married.
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