.. Bhakt Surdas. .

- His book Sur Sagar is famous for the verses of love and devotion of Lord Krishna. Which has a collection of one lakh posts

One of the eight Asha Sakha Chhap poets of Shri Vallabhacharya

Confirmation Marganya Jahaj Bhakt Kavi Surdas

Surdas became a devotee of Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya's' Al Sakha poets. The confirmation route was considered a confirmation route ship.

He was born in Sihi village on the road from Delhi to Agra. This was the fourth son of Ramdas of Vaisakh Sudi Pancham. Seeing the child blind from birth, Ramdas became sad and named Ladku Suraj. Suraj used to sing one bhajan and another star song every day.

Surdas, who was engrossed in Krishna bhajan, was walking. There suddenly fell into a dark well. Holding God's hand, he took out his eyes and when the light of his eyes came, he requested God that O Lord! Give back the eyes you saw. God did that. In Vraja, Shri Surdas is imbued with devotion to Krishna. In 150, Shri Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharyaji

While circulating, Surdas met Vallabh. Surdas sang the verse.

Prabhu ho sub patitan ko dhako

Aur patit sub diwas chora ke

Hau janmat hi ko! From then on, Surdas started playing Prabhu's Lili Pado.

Shri Vallabhacharya recited Lila Surbadhi to him and traveled to Gokul Govardhan with Vaishnava Diksha Arpi (Bamsabandh) Acharya and stayed on the shores of Chandra Sarovar in Parasoli village for life. Every day he used to perform Mangal Aarti of Shri Nathji. When Lord Krishna became a scribe and wrote his verses, Akbar Badshah heard the glory of Surdas and called him to the royal court. Akbar sang to compose his position. Nahin rahyo hiy manh dor

Nand nandan achhat kaise aniye ur aur

Except for Lord Nand Nandan, no one's position should be sung by me.

His book Sur Sagar is famous for the verses of love and devotion of Lord Krishna. Which has a collection of one lakh posts. These terms are known as Sur Suravali, Sur Sagar Sur Pachchisi. The last illness came in 102 years.

Surdas sang bhajans on his way to the temple of Govardhan Nathji on the shores of Chandra Sarovar.

Explaining the principle of confirmation is his famous position

'Trust in Charanan Kero,

Shri Vallabh Nakhchandra Chhata Bin

Darkness all over the world!
