- Antaryatra: Dr. Sarvesh Q. Vora
- The fibers of birth and rebirth shape your attitude, your price
It is not only the cattle that satisfy their natural appetite, but only mankind has realized that they have found many special possibilities. As a result, man has been seeking not only external or material comforts, but also material or momentary pleasures.
And man searches within himself in search of contentment beyond transient happiness. The peculiarity of this discovery is that its experience cannot be exchanged. Everyone has to make their own efforts. Talking about the discovery of Buddha, Mahavira, Krishna or Jesus may be an excuse but you cannot use that discovery as a ready 'formula'.
Millions and billions of people are constantly talking, even though they may be coughing and feeling unwell. One such thing is internal development or quality check. Institutionalized sects claiming almost all "spirituality" have rubbed their eyes on the subject. What can only be achieved through an in-person personal journey like that of Savaj Eklavir is termed as 'collective' therapy or collective activity.
The same claim of mass spiritual transformation is that you can open a class for poetry creation and become a 'poet' by following certain conditions and doing certain courses.
You can teach the group how to breathe, how to get up and sit down, etc., but it is not a matter of learning to control the mood.
Now see an ad from Oshopanthi offering "Shaktipat"! The extent is done! Paramahansa Ramakrishnadev was instinctively emotional. In the same way, they would suddenly fall into samadhi. Imagine that emotion or samadhi could be sold en masse as a business 'product'? The answer is: "Yes, it can be sold. There are hundreds of customers who are ready to buy ready-made fast food."
The funny thing is that the one who gets shaved in the midst of such mass transformation will become a propagandist of such activities without any remuneration.
Understanding the whole thing requires a basic understanding of a person's personality. Man's personality is not just made up of intellect. It is a wonderful creation. In addition to intelligence, many parameters play a part in the orchestra of human personality.
Your intellectual or logical decision alone is not enough for any resolution. According to your personality and aspects, your dormant mind and the opinion of Indian philosophers, the fibers of birth and rebirth shape your attitude, your mood. And this formation of personality is different for everyone. Just as the lines of the hands of two people are not the same, so is the personality of each
Once you understand the fact that there are innumerable layers of personality, you will understand the essence of the sectarian efforts to change the transformation of man from the outside.
The mind must be pure for you to see yourself in isolation, but it is not a mere intellectual exercise, because the mind is not an eye-ear-nose-like organ. The mind is the most subtle part of the personality, the cleansing of which requires the music of the whole orchestra, from the many parts of the human personality, from the emotional intelligence.
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