In a show in Junagadh many years ago, a teenage model Probhamda Seth and earlier Rakhi Sawant's stage show in Pune caused a stir because of her clothes. The police had to file a case against Rakhi Sawant. The prospect had to clarify in front of the media. People may take off their clothes in Item Girls' stage shows, because the atmosphere is different, but the question is, how revealing clothes should teenagers wear in normal life?
One has to wear a uniform in school, but outside school or in any school function, it becomes a competition to wear the best clothes.
As soon as the school education is over, when one enters a college or another institution, breaking all the bonds imposed on oneself is like not getting a certificate! Shopping for college books will come later, but first stock up on fashionable clothes. There is nothing wrong with wearing fashionable clothes, it is the right of teenagers. If they don't wear it, who will? But even this right should be properly used. They wear fashions that don't show off, but flatter their bodies.
Take care of the figure
Check your figure before wearing clothes. Everyone's body is different. Not every fashionable dress suits everyone. If a skin-fitting pair of jeans is making you look ugly rather than attractive because of your chubby butt, it's not a good fit. Fashion designers say that fashionable clothes are meant to make you look attractive and not to make you look ugly.
Nowadays sleeveless suits are in fashion. Every teenager wants to wear it. A well-cut sleeveless dress or top flatters a curvaceous girl, but wear a deep-cut sleeveless one with the strap of a back bag tightly draped over both shoulders, and the load of books behind it will expose your chest.
Mrs Vyas was with her son Kandarp during his B.Tech counselling. There was a girl's number in front of Kandarp. She was wearing a suit, but her sleeveless short kurti had a deep cut at the neck and waist, making her look ugly yet beautiful. He also got admission in Kandarpali college.
After many months, Mrs. Vyas remembered the girl and asked Kandarp how the girl was studying. Kandarp's reply matched the image Mrs. Vyas had built about the girl. He said, “Mommy, she is a very busy girl. Mostly the class bunks. Later she beats the boys and takes the notes.
This is an example that in any outfit you measure its character perfectly. They say, 'First impression is the last impression'. The first impression is made by looking at your clothes, so the cut of the clothes should be such that your modesty shines through, your true personality emerges and the dress compliments your beauty.
Be spontaneous
Often, in a bid to look 'cool', many teenage girls look sloppy or wear very tight dresses. Then the whole day becomes uncomfortable.
Clothes should be in which you feel comfortable. If there is a decent dress, everyone will give a good compliment and your compliment level will increase significantly. Wearing provocative or revealing dresses will get you passers by saying 'hi sexy', 'kya lag rahi hai'. Wear decent clothes while visiting a coaching institute or college so that neither you nor the onlookers feel uncomfortable.
Nowadays, boys and girls study together in institutes or colleges. Sometimes when sitting in a group having fun or reading, it would not look good if your short top is showing your hip line or your tank top is showing part of your chest.
Attention to time and situation
Where you are going and what you are going for, clothes should also be selected. If you are going to Delhi's Blue Line buses, never wear clothes that show off your body. Teenager Lajja came alone from Ghaziabad to Delhi wearing a midi to her maternal uncle's house, but upon arrival, her maternal uncle threatened her that she was not wearing proper clothes.
He asked, "What's wrong with these clothes?"
Mama replied, "If you came in your car wearing such clothes, there was nothing wrong." When you have come in a crowded bus of UP Roadways. If you have to get on the bus, wear clothes that don't feel like molestation."
This thing went down Lajji's throat. Even fashion designers have understood the problem of girls. They have brought cap sleeves into fashion, which gives a sleeveless look and also covers the armholes. He brought the 3/4 sleeve shirt into fashion for girls with thick or thin chins. Thus the kurti became popular to cover the chubby buttocks. According to fashion designers, “Every teenager wants to wear their favorite fashionable clothes and they should wear them because after marriage they will be able to wear their favorite clothes, but decide their own limits. Don't wear clothes so short that your undergarments show and not so tight that your bra shines through. Wear slip under transparent clothes and double layered bra.
Take mom with you when shopping for a dress and try on the dress in a trial room. Often a dress looks beautiful to look at, but looks vulgar when worn. Even if you have bought it yourself, go home and check its fitting.
- Naina
Wear modestly
* You can wear shoulderless, backless dresses in weddings or personal parties.
* If you wear a jacket over such a dress in college or in a college party, you will look graceful.
* Don't wear revealing dresses to late night parties where you are alone or where there are few women, otherwise things like Rakhi Sawant and Mika might happen.
* A scantily clad girl is considered 'on' by people and incidents like forced 'lip kisses' happen.
* Go to the party gracefully and stay within limits.
"If you respect yourself, people will respect you, even if you're not in a short skirt," says actress Koyalpuri.
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