Unknown Shivalaya Shivoham... .

- Shabd Surane Mele-Rajesh Vyas 'Miskin'

- Changing the state of mind when the situation is not changeable. As the breath changes, both the state of mind and the value change


Which era will it be? How many births old,

An unknown temple standing in the mind, in the eyes

Constantly listen to the tinny Sahasradhara,

Shivalaya is constantly on the mind to explain something.

As the breath changes with the mantra,

Shivalaya stands up for the night of Shivaratri.

Corners shine in the lamp,

Thus Swayambhu Sate Dhat Shivalaya was revealed.

A continuous hum reverberates through the dome,

Ne Zilatu there is a caste Shivalaya.

- Rajesh Vyas Miskin.

Shi Valaya Ghazal has lived in the mind and lived in life for almost twenty five years. For many years a Shivalaya appeared in the eyes and in the mind. That Shivalaya in the mind and also that Shivalaya in the eyes. The search for where that Shivalaya would be was also going on continuously. Sometimes a glimpse of it suddenly appeared in the eyes. I have seen this Shivalaya in a dense forest or in a padar of a village or in a wagda. A very ancient Shivalaya, built of old crumbling stones, blackened by the scorching sun and rain, was very attractive. where will be How will it be? How to get there? Such thoughts would often arise and arouse. Wherever I go in the villages of Gujarat, I hear about such an ancient Shivalayam and immediately rush there in hope. But the Shivalaya seen in the mind and eyes seems to be different. Saw many Shivalayas one after the other. Saw temples of Tamil Nadu, Andhra, Karnataka. And then I hear about any ancient Shivalaya anywhere and my mind is drawn.

Which era will it be? How many births old,

An unknown temple standing in the mind, in the eyes.

I used to think that this Shivalaya of which age would be? In which birth have I seen? The memory of this birth is being refreshed! That which is Shiva tattva can be felt but remains unknown. In this matla written years ago, Shivalaya stands in the mind and in the eyes. For the next several years, my ears listened to the abhishek of Sahasradhara on that Shivalaya. As if those Sahasradharas wanted to explain something to my mind by the sound of Abhishek on the Shivlinga. But I wanted to see that temple. I hear the stream of abhishek of the Shivalaya and the Shivalaya which was in the eyes and in the mind is now also heard in the ears.

Anyone who has seen the Mahapujas of Shivratri will realize that the worship of each Prahar is different. His mantras are different. The breath changes according to the mantra. Breathing also varies according to price. Breathing speed is different in anger. The speed of breathing in love is different. Breathing rate is different in anxiety. Breathing speed is different in Vasana. That is why Sadhguru says to change the state of mind when the situation is not changeable. As the breath changes, both the state of mind and the value change. The abhishek of the Shivalaya was heard in the ears, now it is heard in the breath. I feel that the breath changes with each prahar pooja. As if the Shivalaya is waiting for me on some night of Shivratri.

There came a time when instead of sitting where I used to worship, I used to sit and worship wherever I was on a journey. Certain idols and certain photos remained only imaginations. And the colors of the flowers seen by these eyes, the smell of flowers felt by the nose, the chirping of birds and the sound of springs heard by the ears, saw glimpses and grace of the Supreme.

As much as the line in the imagination stretches,

Where I do, your image becomes organized.

I have lived this share of Mary's. Now I could see my God everywhere. Even when I sat with my eyes closed, that Shivalaya started to appear. But sometimes what kind of life is this? I was no longer of any use to me. Such a phase also occurs in worship. A savior of the wounded ran to help.

I have taken my last breath,

I have fulfilled the promise.

Live for others now,

I am already dead to me.

I was dead to me but now I could see the Shivalaya with closed eyes. How to see with closed eyes? If we can see the dream well with closed eyes, only the dreamer with closed eyes could see the temple inside. There are not many electric lamps in the temples of South. The sanctum sanctorum has an amazing aroma. The vision of God is a dazzling light. A lamp is lit within everyone. We are not bodies. We are not even mind. We call the soul which is the brightness of the lamp. The experience of that is Shivoham... Soham... that is the brightness of the lamp that illuminates every corner of this physical Shivalaya. Eyes, hands, fingers, heart are all radiant so the body feels alive. The body is made of metal. Each and every piece of metal was collected and became a physical Shivalaya.

Every temple, shrine has a dome over it. This dome holds many secrets. The sky is also a dome. Our brain is also a dome. Shivalayams also have domes. If you sit under the dome and chant Om Namah Shivay or any other mantra, then those words hit the dome and its vibrations spread throughout the Shivalaya, the mantras that are breathed in, the sounds that are uttered and the sound that reaches the brain and disperses. When the breath is absorbed again and again, the whole body seems to have become a Shivalaya. And thus when this twenty-five year journey was over, the breaths lived became ghazals.

The entire creation process of Shivalay Ghazal was going on secretly for a long time. Whenever the spirit of welfare is manifested, there the vibrations of that Shivalaya are resounding. I remember a share of Mariz Sahib, Where is God not...

Don't say where you are not, I say where you are not.

I don't understand anything, come understand.
