Description of Gunas according to Srimad Devi Bhagwat

- These qualities are described in the fourteenth chapter of Srimad Bhagwat Gita. That is why the name of the chapter in Chaid is 'Guntraya Vidhika Yoga'. Pitamah Brahmaji Devarshi while describing the qualities to Naradji says, 'There are three qualities within every person. Sattva Guna, Roj Guna and Tamo Guna. The color of sattva guna is white. Rajo guna color is red and tama guna color is black. These colors also convey many spiritual meanings to us.'

Shakti has three forms. So there is a trinity of three in the world. If we see, our Pradhan Devas are also three. Brahmaji, Lord Vishnu and Mahadevji. Similarly the gunas are also three. Sattva Guna, Rajo Guna and Tamo Guna. These qualities are described in these three chapters of Srimad Devi Bhagwat's Third Skandha, Seventh, Eighth and Nineth.

These qualities are described in the fourteenth chapter of Srimad Bhagwat Gita. That is why the name of the chapter in Chaid is 'Guntraya Vidhika Yoga'. Pitamah Brahmaji Devarshi while describing the qualities to Naradji says, 'There are three qualities within every person. Sattva Guna, Roj Guna and Tamo Guna. The color of sattva guna is white. Rajo guna color is red and tama guna color is black. These colors also convey many spiritual meanings to us.'

The shelter of qualities is our intellect. These three qualities are opposite to each other but cannot exist without each other. When there is sattva guna there is no raja guna and when there is raja guna and tama guna there is no sattva guna. Brahmaji described the characteristics of the qualities, 'The first characteristic of the sattva guna is abhaya. He who has sattvic thoughts within himself, called sattva guna, has no fear, he becomes fearless. Another symptom of this guna is tingling. He who has sattvic thoughts in him should have a soft heart. The third attribute of sattva guna is kindness. When sattva guna enters a person, he is eager to act. Love is the attribute of sattva guna. When sattva guna comes, love increases. Compassion is characteristic of sattva guna. When sattva guna enters a person, sadhana increases in him, he wants to move towards the feet of God. He who has sattva within him is always happy. All these attributes are of sattva guna. Its color is white. White means Satvikta. This sattva guna inspires us to always think good things and do good deeds.

The color of Rajo Guna is red. Anger is characteristic of this guna. When Rajo Guna occurs, anger arises within the person. When Rajo Guna comes, there is hypocrisy within the person. Jealousy occurs within a person when Rajo guna occurs. When Rajo Guna occurs, ragdwesha occurs within the person. When Rajo Guna comes, pride comes within a person. Rajo Guna has many characteristics. If a person is proud, angry, full of rage, he is said to be possessed of Rajoguna.

The color of Tamo Guna is black and Tamo Guna has only one characteristic and that is laziness. When tama guna comes to a person there is laziness. These qualities are subject to nature. These qualities were created from the time when creation was created. Nature is threefold. Sattva Guna created Pancha Mahabhuta. Sky, air, light, water and earth. Rajoguna produced Pancha Tan Dosas. Word, touch, form, taste and smell. From Tamoguna Panch Gnanadriya and Pancha Karmandriya were formed. That is why at the time of death he gets the same speed as the thoughts of a human being. If there is sattva guna, sattvik motion, if there is raja guna, the living being is overcome by lust and has to come back to the surface and tama guna means degradation. So on the basis of these qualities every person should think whether he wants to become a god or an asura. Divine qualities and demonic qualities are within our mind. Sattvic thoughts are divinity-giving and tamasic thoughts are demonic. At the end, let's pray to God that O God! Bring us from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge with the same prayer...

- Prajnachakshu Dr. Krunal Joshi
