When the fly reaches the flower by mistake!

- Antaryatra-Dr. Sarvesh Q. Vora

- Bees are very different from ordinary bees. Flies are attracted to dirt, only bees are attracted to flowers.

It is about the period around 1935. Ramana Maharshi's ashram, the legendary saint of the south, was at the pinnacle of glory. People from different corners of the world go there, many inquisitors do satsang with Maharishi, nature makes some special, rare arrangement with such great men. This is what happened to the Maharishi. His devotee, Sri Venkataramaiah (who later became Swami Ramananda) recorded many of Raman Maharshi's spontaneous utterances in a diary, which is now available as an Upanishad-like text.

There is another thing to be said

With Maharishi's brilliance many persons would reach the Ashram, who within a few days would feel uneasy, that "we have reached the wrong place." A saint like Swayam Raman Maharshi himself has noted some such meaning that initially many people are attracted by the name of the Ashram. But then Satsang becomes secondary, and these people start drowning in the tyranny of the ashram's system, rat karma!

Gurudev Paramahansdev has described this kind of incident very vividly. They say: "Do not forget the similarity of the name Makhi. Bees are very different from common bees. Flies are attracted to dirt, only bees are attracted to flowers.”

But sometimes a fly wandering here and there mistakenly gets close to a flower? Note this scene carefully whenever you go to the garden. Such stray flies will go away if they reach the flower, but they will hover around for a while, then they will leave the flower and settle in a nearby puddle!

Yes, this happens in satsang relationships (you can call it guru-disciple relationship for the sake of convenience) too. God gives a certain height to the chosen ones, nature puts a special attraction in him through whom he wants to convey some message. There is something like a 'code-language' in his personality, in his words, which very rarely can 'understand', yet even the unintelligent, the unintelligent, 'mistaken' for the great men. There are irritations. The secret greatness of great men, even fools who do not know the meaning of their symbolic language, can reach this. In Harddhar, even beggars enter the food field for monks in the same way as monks.

Bees have developed a special internal mechanism to suck honey from flowers. Another simple fly and bee - there is a stark difference between the two. You have washed your face and gone for a walk in the morning, and suddenly a fly starts hovering over your face, it starts to sting. You may be surprised. So much cleanliness, but what attracted Makhibai? Then remember drinking tea or coffee in the morning, its sweetness will be on the lips, and it was the same pull for the fly.

Have you seen jaggery or date palm coming down from Khatara? Dust also sticks to it. God has given a magnet, a pull, in fist-high people, even dust from around is attracted, but dust from jaggery or date palm cannot stay with time. The fate of dust with jaggery or dates is different. Dirt-digging flies-do not stay close to fragrant, honey-filled flowers!
