- Tar-ba-tar-Hardvara Goswami
- The branch that seemed empty yesterday evening turned green in the garden this morning. The spirit of this garden is tremendous
After you're gone
Things done with you
I have never given up on time
That's why
i get
at the location
with ancient heritage
From new buildings
In this teeming city
Places to lean on
Jumping up and down
The witness testifies
And where we sit
On that dark stone
Nothing moves in time.
The evening spent with you
I never gave in to the setting sun
That's why
i get
through the cool air
Your warm breath
walking with you
I never took that road
The destination has not been handed over
That's why...
-Ashwini bapat
No Bell Laureate Albert Schweitzer has made outstanding contributions to the field of medicine of the tribes living in the forests of Africa. Once the British anesthetist Dr. who went there to meet him. As they were walking through the woods with Noel Alexander Gillespie, a beetle got into Gillespie's umbrella. He threw it to the ground with a blow and was about to crush it with his boot when Dr. Schweitzer held out his hand and said, 'This beetle is a resident and our host. We should respect that.'
What a fragrant dedication to the creatures living in nature...
When you smell the fragrance, an army of flowers stands in front of your eyes... the branch seems alive with flowers. A tree without flowers resembles a widow. Flowers never make April Fools. They are presented as they are. Aan, Ban, Shan is the flower of the garden. In the morning, wearing colorful uniforms, they register their presence in the splendor of nature. A fragrance whose anthem and tenderness is religion. His life mantra is to satisfy every eye in the world. Whose profession is to spread laughter and earn a lot of joy. If you do good deeds as a human being, you get the incarnation of a flower in the second birth. There is never discord in a garden family. It conveys the fragrant message of 'We love each other' to the world. The branch that seemed empty yesterday evening turned green in the garden this morning. The spirit of this garden is tremendous. Beats autumn and connects with spring. If we lose in business, we feel like mountains of pain have been rocked.. Morning always comes after night and perfume spreads only after sweat.
The annual festival of flowers means spring. Cupid's birthday. Then the celebration of fragrance and the festival of fragrance is celebrated. The newly married couple becomes newly married. Whoever has not read the medieval work 'Vasantvilas' has lost something. The sum of Sambhoga and Vipralambha Shringar is 'Vasantavilas' coined by Ajnatkavi. Medieval literature is mostly based on religion while Jainita poet 'Vasantavilas' is praised. In Ritu Rani's kingdom, there is a cry of love. Romance happens without any fuss. Here only one god is worshiped in madamatta and mesmerizing season and that is Kamadeva. There is love here. William Congreve says 'He who marries in haste regrets at ease.' A beautiful harmony of love and nature has been achieved. That is why, from the first meeting to the first night, the gift of flowers is being received. From the day of birth to the funeral, there has been the company of flowers. From bouquets to buffet table decorations, flowers are an indispensable part of every occasion. Umashankar Joshi addressed the city dwellers running around all day and wrote that 'There is no time to talk to flowers.' A man who does not understand the language of flowers is illiterate even though he is a graduate. Wherever a flower is seen on the road, the feet automatically brake and the eyes start racing. If you take a bicycle and go on the road to the flower, there will be many bumps of dew. Many flowers scream in the perfume.
Pablo Neruda has said that,, 'You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming.' The flower can be crushed
But we can't deny the fragrance. It is also said in Sanskrit that if santi guna: punsa viksantayeva te swayam. Nor kasturikamod: swearing vibhavyate. ' The fragrance of a good man spreads automatically. It does not have to be beaten.
Surajmukhi's sultanate and Ratrani's kingdom are instantly discernible. It does not have to be marketed. The flexibility of emotion is depicted through the metaphor of flowers in the ancient muktaka of the Prakrit Gathakosha. Honeybees are nesting in the flower petals. The moon has banished darkness. The nodes of which are dispersed in the atmosphere. Sashi also comes down to earth to listen to Tamara's string saptak at Jui's Jalsa in the night meeting. The tragedy of today is that we are more interested in fashion shows than flower shows. By watching the 'Flower Show' held on the river front of Ahmedabad, leaves blossom in the palm of our hands. 88,500 sq.m. The beauty of the flower show has been extended in such a large space. This time, don't fall in love with the flower-plant display prepared by more than 1 million seedlings of more than 750 varieties of different varieties like Ranunculus, Lilium, Petunia, Dianthus...! In 'Phoolonki Ghatiya', sitting near certain flowers more than once can make a person drunk and faint! Watch 'Valley of Flowers' and become his followers. This national park is located at the height of the Western High Himalayas. Here is the edge of the hand between heaven and existence. The natural beauty with lush flowers and meadows dazzles the eye and the distance. It is better to be a devotee of a flower than to be a follower of a so-called monastery. Today, when Baba's scandal comes to Chashwar, Akhabola Akha can't be left without remembering... 'Blind father-in-law and son-in-law (in disguise), went on to listen to the story, said something and did not understand anything. Heard survey folk.'
The flower extract is used in many herbs. In earlier times, colors were used to make beautiful paintings from flowers. Each flower has a unique identity and a cherished feature. A flower's life is only one day, yet each one savors the moment. Priyakant Maniyar has been called the poet of flowers. There are many examples of his love for flowers. Nature's anxiety has been panned. So they have become synonymous with flowers. The branch is never burdened with flowers. Deliberately I no longer shed these tears.' Like a flower, Priyakant kept on praying that the poem blossomed and scented everyone's senses. Sogia Mon can never become a member of Upavan. Never trust a peddler with flowers. A flower that grows every morning gives funny messages to the world. Let the flowers be instrumental in the joy of the new year.
see you soon...
It is not what goes into your mouth that matters but what comes out of your mouth.
-J. Krishnamurti
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