Tommy Tongs.

- 'From today I name you 'Tommy Tongs'. Tongs means chipotle. I give you a formula. By saying that your arm will be long and you will be able to do the work easily.'

Kalera Christian

A village situated on the banks of a river flowing through the mountains. There Mangabhai lived and farmed with his wife Meghaben. A son was born to him there. The birth of a son would fill the house with joy, but Mangabhai and Meghaben would be very sad to see him, because the son had only a thumb and a finger on both his hands. Still lovingly raising him. Mangabhai's younger brother lived in the city. His children study in the city so he speaks a little more English. Tommy likes it.

Tommy grew up. Put him in school. English speaking was also taught in school from the first standard. So Tommy has fun, but because he is missing three fingers, he cannot hold a pen or a book properly or write. Yet the kind teacher taught him lovingly.

Many naughty boys would tease Tommy's hands and say, 'How are Tommy's hands? Like kitchen chips. Chipio, chipio, Tommy's name chipio.'

What does Tommy do? He would come home and tell his parents this with sadness, but they would convince Tommy that we should not get angry. Tommy was wise. So he did not suffer and get angry, but he was tormented by such daily harassment.

Once Tommy was passing through a field. He looked at the tamarind tree. Ripe tamarind trees were hanging from the branches. His mouth watered. He jumped, but his hands could not reach. He walked forward. He saw a new kind of flower in the fence. He stood up. He had never seen such a flower anywhere. A long red stem like a honeysuckle flower, with a red goto in the middle, white petals around it and yellow petals around it. He stretched out his hand to pluck the flower. There the flower spoke:

'Brother, don't break me.' Tommy got scared. There is no ghost somewhere! But he was courageous. He reached out again to pluck the flower. Again the flower spoke, 'Brother Tommy, don't break me, I bloom to relieve your sorrow, to help you.'

'Help me?' asked Tommy.

The flower said, 'Your hands can't work well, and the other boys are teasing you by saying 'chipio, chipio'. I know that. But from today I call you 'Tommy Tongs'. Tongs means chipotle. I give you a formula. By saying that your arm will be long and you will be able to do the work easily.'

Tommy said, 'Oh wow! If that happens, it will be fun.' The flower said, 'Listen, this is the formula. When you have to do something, close your eyes and speak like this.

My lovely flower,

I'm Tommy Tongs,

Help me, help me...

If you open your eyes, your hand will gradually get longer and you will be able to do the work you have planned. After the work is done, close your eyes and say 'Thank you flower'. So the hand will be as it was.'

'But are you sure that will happen?' said Tommy.

The flower said, 'Tommy Tongs, go recite the sutra under that tamarind tree and break off a tamarind scissor and eat it... But yes, the sutra will not be forgotten and there is a condition that if you use this sutra to fight someone or harm someone, then your Vidya. will perish.'

Tommy went under the tamarind tree. Spoke the slogan. Indeed he broke the tamarind slices with outstretched hands. Then the hand was back saying 'thank you flower'.

He started saying 'thank you' to the flower as he ate the tamarind. But the flower had disappeared. Then Tommy with chippy hands began to live happily.
