- Yesterday in Today - Bhagiratha Brahmabhatta
- Due to Uttarayan enthusiasm, umang wakes, readiness comes, imagination develops, joy is born... That Tattvabodh is intertwined in this Kite festival. Basically, where is the value of the kite-string?
Indian culture is one of the most attractive in the world because of its festivals. Like Diwali, Holi, Navratri, Dussehra, Uttarayana also has importance. We have festivals of light, games on earth, games in water, celestial festivals. Every festival has its cultural glory. The day of Uttarayana is considered as the day of performing meritorious deeds. Makarasankranti is called Makarasankranti when Sun enters Makara Rashi. Today Uttarayana's day is limited to undhiu-jalebi and kites, but there are some memories of antiquity - let's talk about some of the scenes witnessed by Uttarayana today.
In the early morning of Uttarayana, all the cows and calves of Nesda have come to the villages, the villagers take green grass, dry pool, ghughri, grains, gourds from every house, worship the cows, do the sacrifices, the great glory of doing meritorious deeds... 'Mother Cow' ' Appear in the true sense... If the forced cow eats the green grass early, then the bhadviroys who feed the grass-mine by taking the lean cow aside will appear. Even before the rising sun, the cows are cowering, standing bleating. What a delightful scene! Green sorghum piles, dry sorghum piles, millet piles or even wheat piles, guar pits, sesame seeds, husks, whatever is scattered, most of them reach the cow's bellies, then the birds come, come near the cows and eat the scattered grains. If... crows are singing from one cow to another, the crow is not afraid of the cow or the cow is not afraid of the crow... both eat together... the herds of birds fly... the crows come... the two go out to irrigate.
Going to the house of every Brahmin in the village to distribute sesame ladudi, the boy would be happy to receive it. Brahmin boys are pleased.
On the day of Uttarayana, be it a holiday, be a kite, be in the dark and have a jalebi-sev... agashi, keep your feet on the ground and your eyes fixed on the sky all day long. The kite becomes more precious than the life itself and during the day the kite is tied with a bow, holes are made, and a string is tied. To be taken higher and higher. Enthusiasm continues to grow. The number of kite robbers seems to be more than those who fly kites. Where has anyone seen closely about the eyes that are watching tugger-tugger against the kite, against the patch, against the state of the kite being cut? Poetry appears - poetry! A kite flying on a fork tied on a long piece of bamboo, what a fun scene! Words like Dhal, Fudi, Baglo, Tukkal have to be entered in Uttarayana's lexicon. Children are so engrossed with kites that they forget to eat... Uttarayan provides the sky of imagination to the people on earth!
When Uttarayan comes, Maharaj says 'Makarsankrant' and is present in the courtyard... Demands also come... Cows and dogs come... The glory of charity is that charity and charity are given that satisfy everyone. The ripe rituals of kindness, dharma, and virtue are imparted to children on this festival. It provides training in Indian culture. It is to be glorified. The English date may have been set later, but the Sun's entry into Capricorn is at the centre. Have you seen the children walking around without a kite on the day of the Kite Festival, enjoying seeing it because they could not find a kite? Where does one study their mind? Where is the measure of the happiness of the child's mind when the kite flies? Where does one notice the emotions that the child's eyes and face feel when the kite is cut? The help of the wind is needed to fly the kite, if the kite does not fly, the tail is tied, the child has already been trying to reach the destination. What a dialogue is created by the weapon 'P' of both the kite and the wind! If the wind blows, the kite falls... the base breaks... the trees cheer the kites that are cut and fall. Children's enthusiasm skyrockets. It gets the sky of imagination. The cut kite is caught by the branches of the tree. Sometimes when a kite meets the ground, what kind of excitement do the children who steal the kite have? Undhia, jalebi and patang are not the only ones in Uttarayan that have something special.
Due to Uttarayan enthusiasm, umang wakes, readiness comes, imagination develops, joy is born... That Tattvabodh is intertwined in this Kite festival. Roughly speaking, where is the value of the kite-line? Value is enthusiasm... What does a child do for a kite? Waking up early, staying up late, climbing rooftops, climbing trees, running, falling, gasping, fighting, chirping... Kites become the child's life. So much affection has become the life of a child. How much affection comes! At the heart of Punya Parva is enthusiasm, joy. The joy that emerges from adventurous enthusiasm is the goal of Uttarana. By donating sesame seeds, according to the scriptural ritual, worship of Vishwadevs and attaining poonya is done. Bathing on the day of Sankranti is also great. The kite is in a sense the soul and the wind is God. Salvation of the soul is possible only through God.
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