The real God cannot see the fake face!

- Mist

- The pearl became - Kumarpal Desai

The seeker felt that his quest was nearing completion.

Until today, he had visited many shrines in search of God. Served the feet of many saints, bathed in holy rivers. A hail of hymns and devotion poured forth, but all his efforts to reach the Supreme Being failed.

Met many people. He met sadhus and sanghas, met hypocrites and elusive ones, met characterful souls and even heretics, but the sadhaka did not get what he wanted. He was very eager to see the divine face.

In the black dibang despondency this seeker caught a ray. Someone said, in that hut in the middle of the forest, there lives a Jogi, but there were no chelas around him.

Neither the circle of followers nor the garb of the superstitious. There is no fuss, but he says that what he has, no one else has. He has attained God. It has full recognition and fixed address of God.

The seeker ran and reached the hut in the middle of the forest. He went and grabbed Jogi's feet. He said, till today I have wandered all over, but no one has found me the grace of God. You have a strong relationship with it. So, you can't fulfill my wish? I want to see the face of God once.

That's it, nothing else. Jogi burst out laughing. The sadhaka was surprised that his such God-given worship and talk made him laugh despite being so serious!

Before the seeker could speak, Jogi questioned,

Hey! You want to see the face of God, but have you really seen your true face? First see your true face, then God's face will automatically emerge from it. To see that face it is necessary to know your own face, you know your own face right?

The seeker fell into confusion. Until today he had seen the faces of others. From time to time he created a fake identity. He behaved in certain ways to make others look good. Kaj imitated the outside world so much that it forgot its originality. Seeing the confusion on the Sadhak's face, Jogi smiled and said,

Hey brother, you know that fake meets fake. Genuine meets genuine. Now you say that the real God meets the fake face right?

The seeker who had set out to see the face of God now began to look for his own face.
