These 5 things to keep in mind when going for a health checkup

New Delhi, September 18, 2019, Wednesday

When it comes to going to the doctor, everyone gets nervous. Even people who go for regular checkups feel nervous about doing this. That is why it is advisable to keep some things in mind if you go for any test or checkup. Some work should be avoided before going for a checkup. This is work that can have an impact on your test results. Because of this, the test results will not be definitive.

1. Do not drink coffee before taking a blood pressure check

If you have to go for a health checkup then the first weight and BP check is done. Therefore, it is advisable not to consume coffee or other soft drinks within an hour of going to the hospital. As it affects BP. It may come down more or less if BP is checked after drinking coffee or soft drinks.

2. Do not take cold medicine

If you are taking cold or cough medicine, do not take this medicine before health checkup. This drug may cause unusual symptoms during checkup. But if you have to take medication in case of an emergency, tell the doctor about it.

3. Manicure, pedicure before going to a dermatologist

If there is a skin problem and its specialist has to take medicine, be careful not to nail polish on the nails or do a manicure, pedicure. Because it is often known about illness from nails. If the nails are clean, certain conclusions can be drawn about the disease.

4. Consumption of alcohol before cholesterol checkup

Checking your cholesterol level requires that you have not consumed alcohol before. Because it changes the level of triglyceride in the body.

5. Deodont use before mammogram

Women should not use Dio before performing a mammogram. Dio and powder contain aluminum, which can cause impediments to the precise result of the mammogram.
