Six decades of shining very useful lasers

- Today, lasers can be used in everything from medicine to dissolving metals and from defense to detecting crime.

No one is unfamiliar with the word Le Sir anymore. But we still do not fully understand the importance of this technique, which has existed among us for six decades. This is the metaphorical name of the world of science. Lasers can be used for anything from human interest to genocide.

Suppose oil and coal run out of earth's reserves. In the event of an energy crisis, scientists have thought that the sun is the only option that can provide a steady stream of energy. But there are some problems with the fact that the sun does not have the same vision practically everywhere. When the clouds come or at night the sun's rays remain dim or unavailable. So the idea was to launch a giant satellite so high above the earth that the clouds would not move and the sun would be constantly shining. Its huge solar wings flicker on a ground station set up on the earth by a laser and then flow into a cable and deliver it to the people.

Today, lasers can be used in everything from medicine to metals, and from defense to crime detection.

The funny thing about 'laser' is that the idea of ​​something like a laser was first conceived by the writers of science fiction. H.G. Such an idea was expressed in the novel 'The War of the World' written by Wales. The story depicts the Martians ascending to Earth with a kind of radiant weapon.

After the famous scientist Albert Einstein formulated his theories about lasers, a 33-year-old engineer named Theodore Mainman made a four-inch cylinder in the Hughes Research Laboratory and produced laser rays in it. Two decades later it became world famous as the laser technical revolution.

Today laser beams are used as a tool for microscopic eye surgery. Laser experiments are also being done to dissolve fat lumps that have accumulated in the blood vessels that cause heart disease, starting from dissolving a cancerous tumor in the brain.

Before we talk more about laser, let's get a simple understanding of it.

How does a laser work? A small example is enough for this. When the sun is hot during the day and the sun's rays are collected and placed on a piece of paper with a large bilberry glass, the paper begins to revolve in the same way that it is used in a single line by concentrating powerful rays. The difference is that the laser light is brighter. And it works on a different principle. Different colors can be seen at six wavelengths if sunlight is passed through a triangular glass. While the laser has the same wavelength. Laser stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER)

What can be done with laser technology? Precision marking ‘laser’ marking is done where marking is required according to a specific measure. Lasers are used to take measurements from marking.

Today, when natural resources in the field of energy are declining and pollution is increasing, 'laser' can provide clean and unlimited 'power' supply.

Just as the sun pours an endless cascade of energy, so can a cascade of finite energy flow for human welfare. Scientists in Europe have turned this concept into a project called 'HIPER'. 'HIPER' will prove to be the prototype power station of the future! Using a laser beam in this way, a temperature ten times higher than the temperature at the center of the sun can be produced.

Dangerous laser-based weapons that could destroy the world in a sixth of an hour, on the other hand, are also being developed as part of Star Wars. If the enemy launches missiles to destroy America during the war, laser-weapons should be deployed in space to destroy it in space. That kind of advocacy was made two and a half decades ago by Dr. Edward Taylor, the father of the hydrogen bomb.

Pilots flying giant aircraft such as the Boeing 7 and Boeing 2 now use a new geometric instrument called a laser gyroscope to find their way. Even supermarket clerks are now using lasers to check commodity prices and international codes. A welder based in New York in the United States can also weld a piece of iron that has fallen in Japan by cutting it with laser beams.

Like wire ropes or radio waves, lasers can thus be used successfully as a medium. Just as electricity can be converted into laser beams and then converted into electricity, so the sound of a telephone can be turned into a laser and the rays can be sent far and wide to turn it back into sound. In the same way pictures can be sent from one place to another by laser at the speed of light. Japan has created a new revolution in the world of sound and music by placing laser discs decades ago. Laser technology has made inroads into compact discs and digital sound alumni.

Lasers are also very useful in terms of time management. In the terminology of time, it has reached the level of what is called ferro-second in the billions of tenths of a second (1000 x one million x one million). Scientists have now been able to reach what they get per second (divided by a million x a million x a million). This scale means that scientists working in atro seconds will be able to know how matter / matter interacts.

Two important discoveries revolutionized the 19th century, one was the invention of the steam engine and the other was the invention of electricity ... but the invention of the laser is believed to be able to match these two inventions.

And so when the laser becomes illuminated it is also referred to by some as astral energy.

The invention of the laser has changed dramatically. Gas, solid state and various lasers have been created. Each laser shines at a different wavelength. Some beat like a heartbeat, some stay constantly fluid. E.g. Carbon oxide gas lasers can manipulate any powerful metal. And welding.

Still a very powerful laser remains to be found. The laser can produce 100 million degrees Celsius temperature in the laboratory and 100 million atmospheric pressure, that is, it can produce the sun in the laboratory. Such powerful rays can strike a flying bird, an airplane, or a rocket. He can burn anything to ashes.

Wherever the laser is displayed, an idol of Lord Shankar is placed. The fire emanating from the third eye of Lord Shankara had reduced Cupid to ashes. A very powerful laser is named Shivalesar. The building of Atomic Energy is shaped like a Shivling, as it is the location of nuclear energy.

Laser research is done in a laboratory in Indore, India. The laser is a terrifying weapon like the trident and the Sudarshan Chakra. The laser passes through an invisible hole in a thick steel plate. A laser is used to find out if there is a hole left in a rocket or a space shuttle or an airplane. Lasers are used to find out where there is no space left in the joints of such devices.

A four-watt laser beam can be comfortably seen from the moon,

While not all the lights in the city of Mumbai have powerful laser beams visible from the moon, they can measure the distance between the earth and the moon with an error of one millimeter. They do not spread. The light spreads as it goes away.

Low-power lasers are now being used by doctors for operations.

An infectious disease has spread from prostitution to decades. The American people in particular are fed up with it. It is known as 'herpes'. This is a type of 'venereal disease' in which small rashes appear on the male's genitals and water gushes out of them.

'Herpes' is a disease caused by a virus. An effective cure or vaccine is not yet available. Some doctors in the United States have experimented with lasers to permanently remove the follicles caused by herpes, and they feel that lasers can play an important role in relieving 'herpes'. Of course this is a very expensive treatment.

The laser has both heat and power. Lasers have also been used in operating theaters to dissolve brain and spinal cord tumors. Lasers have proven to be more useful in cases where there is a greater risk of brain opening. In America, 'laser-neurosurgeons' have now come out. Thirteen years ago, the number of laser operations was barely 50, today more than 15,000 operations are performed with the help of laser every day.

However, it should be understood that in some cases the laser is not complete. Laser is not an amulet cure for cancer. So it is said that no stupid surgeon can make a laser a good surgeon. Rather, it is an excellent tool for a good surgeon.

Cancer patients in the United States, Japan, and Australia are being experimented with using lasers without surgery to cure cancer. This treatment is called 'photo radiation method'. Here the laser is used only as a light, not as a conductor of heat. This method is like knowing. The patient's body is injected with a type of 'photo sensitive chemical'. These chemicals accumulate in the body where there are cancerous tumors. Now the laser rays from outside are focused on that tumor.

On the other hand, a photosensitive chemical deposited in a cancerous tumor triggers a reaction as soon as the laser beam is touched. And because of that it dissolves the cancerous tumor.

Similarly, a special type of device called a fluorescence bronchoscope can be used to detect lung cancer by sending a laser beam to the lungs to detect lung cancer.

Lasers are emerging as the safest weapon for micro-surgery without damaging the tiny blood vessels inside the eye. Lasers are being used to perform surgery without damaging the eye to remove damage to the membrane around the deepest part of the eye. The laser can pull water out of a glaucoma patient's eye in just a few moments.

But just as a knife is used to chop vegetables and pierce someone's stomach, the use of a laser by the military would be dangerous. The laser will also be able to blind the aircraft by eliminating the electronic sensor system of aircraft, missiles, tanks, and aircraft. Some even imagine that laser-equipped spacecraft would be able to destroy aircraft or missiles from any base before they fly. The United States has allocated 3 billion for the research of powerful laser weapons.

Some even believe that the idea of ​​'laser weapons' was taken from a picture called 'Star Wars'. The United States wants to set up laser-warplanes in space every 500 to 1,000 miles around the earth, which will keep a close eye on China and Russia, and will also have powerful mirrors to accurately target any Russian or Chinese missile. Finding and launching such a missile would take only a second.

Meanwhile, the world's largest dual-purpose laser center has been established. Russia has invested about 3 billion rubles (૫ 1.6 billion) in the project.

The two-purpose laser center is located near the nuclear power plant in the Nizhny Novgorod region of Russia.

The center will be used both for the manufacture of military equipment as well as for scientific research. In particular, research into 'laser thermonuclear' operations will be carried out. The issue of operating a system by generating power through laser thermonuclear is considered by scientists to be the backbone of the nuclear field. Laser on the other hand is being researched to use a concept beyond. This will be a technique that will make anything disappear in the future.

Prof. Chris Phillips, who gained worldwide fame for his successful research on the technique of disappearance, said that any object can be seen because its atoms coincide with the type of sherds. When it collides, the electron with very little energy in it absorbs the energy of this wave itself and increases its energy level.

With the exception of the light of one color, which can interact with the difference between these two levels of energy, other colors pass through the object. But if even this one color is prevented from being absorbed into the atom, the object cannot be seen. That is why we have used artificial atom and high intensity infra red laser. This laser is based on a special type of semiconductor crystal developed in Russia.

Prof. Phillips said that even though the intensity of this laser is 10 million watts, it does not cause any harm to the human body. However, whenever I do this experiment, it becomes necessary to be very careful so that no accident happens.

“The difference between our experiment and the magic experiment is that the magician creates visual illusions and we have succeeded in making the object disappear with the help of physics,” he said.

In response to a question, he said that if I had a chance to disappear and see a moment, I would choose to spy on my children for a while.

Well, many such uses of laser will be discovered in the future. And that is why six decades after the invention of the laser technique, we have to say where is the next look!
