International Space Station toilets have to wear bad, astronaut diapers

New Delhi, November 29, 2019, Friday

According to NASA data, astronauts have had to use diapers because of the international station's toilets not working. According to ISS commander Luca Permitto, toilets in the US are sending signals that the toilets are bad. When the toilet is filled to capacity it cannot be used when the ropes are in the area.

The International Space Station has two toilets installed in Russia. One toilet is located in the US and the other in the Russian part. In addition to these two, the Soyuz spacecraft attached to the space station also has a toilet. But it is used only during flight, so it is rarely used.

Currently two space stations are operating in space. One of them is managed by the US, Russia, the European Union, Canada and Japan. It's called ISS. The second space station is from China, named Tiangong 2. The ISS has been installed at the bottom of the earth. This station orbits the earth. Earlier, Russia's space station orbited the Mir Earth, but the cost of operating it began to rise and was destroyed in 2001 in the South Pacific Ocean due to security.
