* In the present times the value of 'labor' is decreasing while the value of 'free' is increasing - so why?
Questioner: Haroon Khatri, Warwad, Satellite Street, Jam Khambhaliya 21202 (Saurashtra)
God, Ishwar or Allah does not send man to earth to be lazy or lazy, but He sends man to this earth to enjoy life through hard work. As long as and to what extent man needed to be given free, God provided mother's milk. Even while he was walking, his parents arranged a meal for him. But when he had the determination in his mind, the labor in his hands and the strength in his feet to travel all over the earth, God said: "Now my work is done. You have to make your own bread, through hard work. '' Man is an animal interested in craving, lust, work and greed. He has no control over his own mind, so he cannot control his own instincts. When man becomes dependent on the mind, the senses dance with him. Attracted to victim-luxury-luxury. The attraction to the thing is greed and affection or attachment binds it to infatuation. The fascinated man spends every moment of his life for craving happiness. The result is indifference to labor. Instead of considering hard work as a philosopher's stone, he considers the iron of negligence and comfort as a philosopher's stone. Diligence alone creates a bright future for man. The Bhagavad Gita also says that people with a majestic and irritable nature are lazy. "Fogat khavai" chor "kahavai," Gita ki awaaj hai. Mahatma Gandhi also said: "He who eats without doing his part is a thief. Honor is not earned without wear and tear. According to a Doha "
"There is no worship in the world,
Unwashed skin
Rubbish becomes rubbish,
Pahan Shaligram. '' It means that one cannot become revered in the world without hard work. Frequent wear and tear makes the stone shaligram.
When the human mind is dissatisfied from within, it tries to be satisfied by getting a free thing. Man wants happiness: one by hard work and the other without hard work. Man needs money to satisfy his cravings. When a corrupt view of life develops that one cannot get enough money just to satisfy one's every need from a job or a business, then man keeps the code and greed to get that thing by impure means. There is force.
The former man was happier than he is today, because he had the strength of body labor. The thorny cult was ready to walk. His needs were small, he did not need a lot of money to satisfy his blind needs. 'Santoshi nar sada sukhi' was his motto ....
With the advent of the machine age, man's tendency to get everything instant and ready began to change. Increased desire for comfort and more comfortable equipment and amenities. He adopted the path of 'Parigraha' for wealth growth. Due to this attachment, greed, desire to get money or something without hard work, 'free' started to be hailed. Greed does not stop. Luxury has no limits. Cravings have no borders. As a result, when the desire to get everything without getting sweat is aroused, man is tempted to enjoy 'free'. God did not show negligence in shaping man, the body of man is molded after nine months of hard work of nature. If God does not hesitate to work hard, then it is also acceptable for God to work hard and get nothing for free as a reward of God or divine power.
The mind of the diligent remains calm while the mind of the dishonest earner remains restless. This incident has been described by Sunil Tyagi in line with the occasion of 'Raka-Banka'. Accordingly a couple is poor, immersed in devotion to God at all times. They were unselfish and worked hard to earn a living. God decided to take his exam one day.
One day while the couple was going to cut wood in the forest, the husband was walking ahead with the ax and the wife behind. While walking, her husband stumbled and fell. On the ground he saw a bag full of gold coins lying open. He quickly spread a layer of clay over it.
When his wife approached, he asked her why she had covered something. At first he was reluctant to answer but in the end he told the whole story. Then the honest and hardworking wife said: "Why do you put clay on clay?" Gold coins are like clay in front of our hard work, but it seems that your discrimination has not gone away yet. You are still obsessed with wealth. The husband introspected and considered the wife as his guru.
Today there is a flurry of wealth changing consent. 'Virtue' has been replaced by 'captivity'. Man's name of restraint is running out, tolerance has decreased, the habit of believing in a smooth life has increased, so man is always ready to satisfy his cravings, expectations and needs with 'free'.
When a person stops listening to the voice of conscience, spiritual purity, morality and conscience are destroyed from it. When a man of pure intellect does not care for the slightest, the lust for material happiness makes him his prey and the 'maftiya' instinct becomes his god.
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