Ziva, the five-year-old daughter of EPL franchise Chennai Super Kings (CSK) captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni, was shocked by the recent threat of rape on social media. Why did Ziva receive such vile threats? Just because her father didn't play well in a cricket match. Everyone knows that Dhoni and his team CSK's performance in the IPL-2020, which is currently being played in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah, is not commendable. Just threatening to rape Mahini's innocent daughter for such a trivial reason! What would have happened to Dhoni, who is playing IPL in UAE away from his family, as a father after hearing all this? Where do people with a distorted mindset have time to think about all that? Even more embarrassing is the fact that Ziva is a 16-year-old teenager from Gujarat who made such vile threats to Dhoni. Police have arrested him.
The incident has sparked outrage among netizens and even celebrities have not lagged behind in expressing their displeasure on social media. Actor Shreyas Talpade, the father of a 3-year-old daughter, says, "This is really a shame. To take a cricket match, to descend to such a low step? ' Ziva is not alone in receiving such threats.
Ruhi and Yash, the three-year-old twins of Bollywood's top producer-director Karan Johar, have also received death threats in the past. After actor Sushant Singh Rajput's demise, Karan's name was also mentioned in the debate on the evils of nepotism and sectarianism in Bollywood. Her children are said to have been threatened at the time.
Today, the cute son of Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan, Taimur, who has become the darling of the media due to his innocent face, became the center of controversy within days of his birth. Some of the rotten skulls of the sixteenth century wondered why Saif and Kareena chose the name of a Mughal ruler for their son. There was a lot of revelry but Saif-Kari remained adamant on his decision. "As parents, we have every right to name our son," he said. No one can take that right away from us.
The Khan couple's established interests finally succumbed to the firmness and today no one is opposed to Taimur's name. The question is who gave the mentally ill the right to shake their heads in the personal affairs of celebrities? Don't celebrities have the right to live their personal lives as they please?
Actress Mahi Gill, the mother of an 8-year-old daughter involved in the Ziva Dhoni affair, says, "Such people have no job. Authorities should take strict action against such mentally ill people so that an example can be set. Cricketer Harbhajan Singh's wife and actor Geeta Basra termed such incidents as the result of a sick mentality, adding that the 15-year-old who threatened five-year-old Ziva Dhoni was a teenager and the 18-year-old boy understood what he had written and what the repercussions were Will come He should be severely punished. In short, the children of celebrities are being subjected to vile threats in the controversy without any guilt. Social media has become a handy weapon for such psychopaths. The time has come to stamp out this evil.
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