The base of our body: the skeleton

In the composition of every organ and component of the nine bodies, there is a wonderful calculation of safety, use of energy as well as need. The body has hard bones to support and maintain shape. There are 203 bones in an adult human body, including 3 in both hands, 2 in legs, 2 in skull, 12 in face, 2 in ribs and 2 in spine.

Bones are made up of about 90 percent calcium, 21 percent oxygen, and 15 percent phosphorus. It has bone marrow in its cavity. Where blood particles are formed.

The skeleton is not just a support but is useful in all the activities like moving a man as well as lifting weights. The bones of the body are connected to each other by 20 joints. These joints are also shaped as needed. The elbow and knee joints are like hinges that can be turned to one side. The shoulder bones are like a scalpel and a cane that can be rotated around. The bones of the spine are entwined in the nerve cord in the same way that beads are entwined in a nest.
