The secret of the first microseconds of the creation of the quark-gluon plasma universe

- Future Science-KR Chowdhury

How did this universe come to be? The universe we are currently observing. How did the universe come to be in that state? What will be the future of the universe after billions of years? How will the universe end? Such questions plagued ancient Indian sages and Western philosophers thousands of years ago. This situation has not changed today! The questions remain the same.

Only humans have changed. The place of the ancient Indian sages and philosophers of the West has been taken by modern scientists, astronomers and cosmologists trying to understand the structure of the universe. They ask a few more sophisticated questions. What happened in the first second of the universe? Because right now they have the Big Bang Theory that explains the different stages of the creation of the universe. With the help of modern particle physics and cosmology, scientists want to create the microseconds of the beginning of the creation of the universe in a laboratory.

Scientists have conducted experiments in the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva. What would have happened in the first micro second of the creation of the universe, the initial event we know as the Big Bang? Its information is obtained on the basis of experiments. Even though this phenomenon is very small, new research will prove to be a big breakthrough in understanding the Big Bang. So let's see what happened in the first microsecond of the universe? Let's look at it with a fast forward, in a flashback to the Big Bang.

The early stages of the universe

A few microseconds after the creation of the universe, the universe was in the form of an extremely hot liquid plasma created from an initial particle called quark and gluon. After a few microseconds, protons and neutrons were created. These particles can be called early building blocks, forming the atoms of matter. The theory that explains the physical process and nature between quark and gluon is also known as 'quantum chromo-dynamics'. This theory was partially developed by MIT professors Jerome Friedman and Frank Wilzek. They were both awarded the Nobel Prize for their work and for expanding the theory of physics.

The cosmic surgeon created quark-gluon plasma in the first micro second. Quark-gluon plasma was produced during the first 0.0000001 seconds of the beginning of the Big Bang.

A team of scientists has created a 'quark-gluon plasma' in a large hadron collider. Has also developed a special algorithm to analyze it. For the common man, it can be said that in the micro-seconds of the beginning of the Big Bang, the object currently visible in the universe, its ancestor, in the fourth stage of matter, 'Quark-Gluon Plasma' was created in liquid form.

The matter was then created in three stages, viz., Air, liquid and solid.

Quark-gluon plasma

According to the Big Bang Theory, which showed the origin and evolution of the universe, all matter began to spread in all four directions as it exploded into a very dense, abundant energy and temperature point. Modern science and the Big Bang Theory call the zero-second stage of the creation of an extremely dense universe the 'point of singularity'. Scientists believe that in the earliest moments of the creation of the universe, physical forces must have come into existence, followed by the microscopic elementary particles that make up matter. According to the 'Big Bang Theory', before matter was formed in the universe, the universe was in the form of plasma made up of particles called quark and gluon. Plasma is also called the fourth state of matter. Until recently, plasma was considered to be the gaseous form of a kind of electrically charged particle, created in the first micro seconds of the creation of the universe. Now this belief has changed.

Physicist Ant Zou and colleagues at the Dennis Neil Bore Institute at the University of Copenhagen have studied quark-gluon plasma. A special experiment has been carried out by this team of scientists in the Large Drone Collider in Geneva. In the experiment, scientists have succeeded in creating 'quark-gluon plasma' in the form of very small balls, which were found in the early stages of the universe. The Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) created in the Large Hadron Collider was generated by the intense collision of particulate matter. Experiments have shown that in the early stages of cosmic creation, quark-gluon plasma (QGP) characterizes their properties in liquid form. In the Big Bang Theory, the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), created in the early stages of the creation of the universe, was conceived in gaseous form.

When in fact it is in liquid form. The team has worked hard for 40 years to get this truth. Remember that as the form of a substance changes, so do its properties and characteristics. To understand the new research of cosmology, one has to understand the quark-gluon plasma and the 'Big Bang Theory'.

The changing face of the universe

In 1907, a scientist named Edwin Hubble observed that the distance between two galaxies was increasing. In the 19th century, scientists named Wilson and Panzius observed the cosmic background radiation produced during the Big Bang of the universe. Cosmic background radiation, also known as echoes of the early moments of the Big Bang. What happened in the first micro-second of the Big Bang in the past? Scientists could not give a complete picture.

The centuries-old dream of physicists and nuclear scientists was to create quark and gluon plasma in a laboratory and carry out experiments and observations on it. In 2006, for the first time, scientists succeeded in creating a quark-gluon plasma in a laboratory. Scientists created a quark-gluon plasma (of QGP) by simultaneously breaking down gold atoms at almost the speed of light through a relativistic heavy ion collider at the Brookhaven National Laboratory. Two decades later, scientists have succeeded in creating a quark-gluon plasma created in the first microsecond of the universe. The creation of the universe has also solved the mystery of the first micro second. In the first micro second of the Big Bang, the universe was filled with extremely dense plasma.

These particles did not have a nucleus. Nor were the particles forming the navel center. Only plasma contained early particles called quark and gluon. According to the modern language of materialism, gluons were mediated to exchange between quarks. Quarks formed protons and neutrons. Quark-gluon plasma resembles an electrically charged gas generated during a monsoon storm. Experiments have shown that the speed of particles, quarks and gluons in the form of quark-gluon plasma varies. Mostly they have the nature to flow together. Which behaves like a liquid with zero viscosity.

The cosmic model of the Big Bang Theory

Our universe is believed to have been created 12.5 billion years ago today. How did the Big Bang theory create the universe at the time of creation? What kind of particles were created ?, its cosmological model is presented. It is said that quarks and gluons were released to form the substance that now appears in the universe when the binding force of particles weakened seconds after the start of the Big Bang. In the primitive state, primary particles called quark and gluon were released in the form of a very hot superheat. The first type of primary particle created after the creation of the universe was quark-gluon. Which formed molecular particles such as protons and neutrons. Simply put, particles like protons and neutrons were formed by small particles called quark and gluon. A neutron is nothing but a combined neutral form of a proton and an electron.

The particles that make up a substance are made up of atoms. Atoms are made up of microscopic subatomic / subatomic particles i.e. protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons and neutrons are also made up of particles. Which in physics is known as elementary particle. These elementary particles are classified into two classes. A class- known as fermions. Which forms the subatomic particles of the atoms of matter. The second class is known as boson. Bosons do the job of binding fermions particles to each other.

Quark is included in the class of fermions. When three quarks come together, a baryon is formed. Protons are included in the baryon group. Quark also creates an anti-subatomic membrane with an electric charge as opposed to a subatomic one. When anti-subatomic particles are created, they are known as masons. Mason is created in modern particle acceleration. At the same time, it dissolves in a short time.


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