- New vision implemented after trade war between Trump administration and Xi Jinping
After adopting a capitalist industry, investment and finance policy for almost four decades, suddenly China is moving towards becoming a communist again. Suddenly the importance of social security and national security has increased instead of the interest of investors. Will China's current policy change the definition of global wealth division in the future? Will this thinking be limited to a certain area or will it be seen in a wider form? Only time will tell the answers to these questions, but it is certain that if this work, thinking and policy continues, it will pose a great challenge to other countries of the world.
China, the world's second-largest economy, announced a sudden ban on coaching classes and tuition in June. It was argued that education for students should be met only in school or college. There is no need for an outside teacher. This decision was not taken seriously. But the global impact of subsequent measures, bans and controls is being seen. China has controlled the technology company's profits, earnings and its operations. An investigation has been launched against a company that finances a giant company like Alibaba. Real estate companies have come to control how many new constructions they do, at what prices they sell them. Steps have been announced to gradually reduce steel and electricity production (under the pretext of reducing carbon footprint, of course) and a ban on cryptocurrency transactions, investments and mining has been announced on Friday.
Parts of capitalism were adopted by then-Chinese President Deng Xiaoping in the 1990s. Private investment was accepted in every sector except banking and crude oil. Deng also acknowledged that even if some people became rich, it would lead to economic growth, new jobs and new technology. But now a new vision has emerged after the trade war between the Trump administration and current President Xi Jinping with the United States. The 203 vision includes technological independence, data security for national security, happy days for everyone (so that the current billionaires have come under control and every problem related to the anti-government mentality in China's middle class has been solved).
In this situation, the standard of living seems easy for everyone, not everyone gets expensive, cheap housing is available in urban or rural areas, everyone gets equal pay and if someone becomes a millionaire, his progress is an attempt to remove the inequality seen in the society. The impact of China's every move will now be a challenge to the world. China is the world's most populous country, the world's second largest economy. How many such companies are not from China but from other countries of the world which only do manufacturing in China. All of these things will affect the performance of companies. China will now focus on self-reliance in every field.
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