Like learning about the tongue.

- The tongue is the strongest muscle of the body in terms of size

- The tongue is the only muscle in our body that has one end open and the other end attached to the throat.

- Injuries to the tongue heal most quickly,

- Like fingerprints, the surface impression of everyone's tongue is different.

- There are more than 2000 taste buds on the tongue.

- It is mandatory for us to use our tongue in speaking certain words.

- The crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.

- Kachinda's tongue is longer than its body length.

- Frogs catch flying insects like mosquitoes with their tongues.

- The snake's tongue has two forks.

- The giraffe has hair on its tongue. So it can eat the leaves of thorny trees.

- The taste buds on the tongue are destroyed every ten days and new ones are produced.
