- Arjun Singh K. Rawlji
The prayer in the school was over, but the class was still empty. Madam did not come. There was an uproar in the class.
It so happened that Navado (meaning number 9) stood up on his bench and slapped the eight who was sitting with him. 'Why did you hit me?'' Athado said angrily, stroking his cheek.
Navdo rolled his eyes and said, 'I am bigger than you so I have the right to kill you. Go, do whatever you want. This is the right of the elder.'
That's it, then what is needed. Eighth beat Seventh hard. Satda killed Chagada...and so on. The big-small chain went on and chaos broke out in the classroom. There were blows and noise!
Seeing all this, poor Zero went and hid in a corner and started looking at Ekada with a kind face. He felt that Ekado would come and slap him too and say that I am bigger than you so I have the right to beat you.
At that moment, Ekado stood up from his place. Zero was caressing his cheek and shivering in fear when Ekdo came and sat right next to him. From zero to ten - the biggest!
Ekdo addressed zero and said, 'See? Who is really big? Do not punish the small, but make the small big. It helps to grow up...'
Watching, friends? Become a big one too - by helping the little ones grow!
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