Elegy, dirge, dirge, eulogy

- Yesterday in Today - Bhagiratha Brahmabhatta

- Marsiya has its roots in the Arabic-Persian language. In the Urdu language, special praises are sung. Originally, the song sung after death was given the name Shok Geet, Death Geet, Vilapageet.

In Hindu tradition, there are sixteen rituals of human life. Sixteen rites are successively followed in the life cycle starting from Simant before birth to Marsia after death. The songs sung after death are 'Marsia'. The sixteen rites in the Jain society are fertilization, punsavana, simanta, jatakrama, naming, niskramana, annaprashan, chudakarma, karnavedha, vedarambh, upanayana, keshant, samavartan, vivah, vivah parigraha and agni samskar.

The original meaning of the word marsiyan is derived from the word 'rasha' (from 'cry'). Mourning songs are found in many languages ​​of the world. The roots of the mourning are in the Arabic-Persian language. In the Urdu language, special praises are sung. Originally, the song sung after death was given the name Shokgeet, Mrityu Geet, Vilapageet. Singing the praises of the deceased is central. Karunarasa is predominant in this lament. The listener's heart melts with emotion. 'Marsia' is also known in Gujarat region. Most of the campaigning has taken place in Saurashtra. It is sung to some extent in almost all castes. It is a tradition in all regions, in all castes. Basically, the purpose behind it is to dissolve, reduce grief. Chanting the list of good deeds and virtues of the deceased eases grief and gives respect to the deceased. Whatever the reasons for the prevalence of malaria, it should be noted by the scholars.

(1) By singing Marsia, the shock of the deceased person's relatives is reduced and Shata turns.

(2) The virtues of the dead person are remembered and glorified.

(3) May the memory of the deceased be fresh.

(4) Psychologically, as the trauma subsides, the family becomes relaxed.

(5) As it is a social custom to mourn in the presence of people. If the feeling is filling up, let it go. Today, Vibhakta Kutumbo lives in the city life and his dead relatives sometimes die of shock.

(6) Beating the chest, crying, other women merely act but the act affects the characters close to the deceased. This is one way to calm the moaning.

(7) Marcia has the power to overturn the atmosphere and bring tears to the eyes of the listener.

There are three types of 'marsia' sung. Rajia, Chajia and Pok. Rajiya Dahal is sung behind the child with horizontal arms. While the Chajiya women sing round their bosoms and thump their chests. The deceased's wife is placed in between and her chest is also beaten. After the 'poke' death draws the relatives, the widow of the deceased remembers him early in the morning and puts the pok, knitting the memories. According to the region, caste and age there is an unsurpassed diversity in Marsians. The area towards North Gujarat, Surat, Saurashtra and Charotar has a slight difference. The verse which has been cultivated in this way in literature is called 'Karunprashasti', it also has deathly melancholy at its centre. Govardhanram, Dalpatram etc. are well known names. 'Farbus Virah' is our first tragic poem followed by 'Smaran Samhita' 'Snehmudra', 'Pithartarpan', 'Smaransamhita' etc.

* When the master of the house dies, the deceased's wife sings

That's my house's charm. Hi.. Hi..

Hi.. Hi..

The decoration of the witch is gone Hi..Hi..

You tricked us and said hi...hi...

* Sung when a small child returns

It fell as it rose

Do not forget to leave

Hi Dhavna Hi Hi..

Other women say: Hi, hi

Then gradually increase the speed of movement

A woman leaves the right. Women say hi hi in a group

Hi hi in the sleepless crowd

Thus, it seems from the study that the method of singing mursi in many ways was socially and health wise. It used to reduce the grief of the relatives. The strength to bear the pain came. The deep-seated sadness is expressed in this way.
