"You put away the joy of sound, watched human sorrow,
From the navel to the ground, you became empty.
Jai Jai Christ Dayaram Swami"
God, the Creator of all creation, breathed into him a man in his likeness, who was called Adam, from clay. Taking a rib from Adam's own body and creating a woman, he was Eve, Adam and Eve lived peacefully in the beautiful garden of Eden. The evil Satan filled Eve, the fruit of the tree which God refused to eat, Eve could not resist the temptation to eat the fruit, she ate it, but fed it to Adam. Both of them came to know about Bhala Bhunda. God kicked them out of the wadi and gave them earth to live on. They began to live by labour.
From Adam and Eve the human population began to grow on earth. Satan's plans to corrupt the human self with sin began to materialize. God was very saddened to see humans living a sinful life. Finally, the Great Flood wiped out the entire human race from the earth. Only Noah and his family were saved by the ark. Years passed. Through Noah the earth throbbed with human life again. Again Satan entered among men. Yukti - Through yukti again humans lead a sinful life. God was again saddened to see this. After the flood, God made a pact that there will never be a flood to destroy the earth.
The time has come for God Himself to be born on earth to free mankind from sin as promised in the future. Two thousand and twenty-two years ago, God left the bliss of heaven and was born as a human child in a manger in the village of Bethlehem. His compassion towards mankind can be felt at the sight of God's childlike form lying humbly on a bed of straw in the manger. This heavenly child is the Lord Jesus.
In his thirty-three years of life, he taught the people of the world to live with sin. He made tireless efforts to save mankind through parables, sermons, chatkas and sermons. Even though he was completely innocent, innocent and blameless, the opposing elements falsely accused him. They were brutally impaled. Rather than endure this excruciating pain, he prayed for the rescue of those who nailed themselves. That is, it was his wish that no sinful human should perish.
But prayed for salvation for the one who impaled himself. That is, it was his wish that no sinful human should perish.
What a great love he has for mankind! He took birth on earth to free all mankind from sin.
The shameful brutality of the man-made abominations happening today makes us shudder. Seeing the sudden carnage caused by natural calamities melts our hearts. Incidents of murder-suicide due to many small and big problems are happening every day. There are not few instances of satsangis living an outwardly saintly life of being highly corrupt. Only those who speak dahi dahi for subject speech and description violate it. God calls out with sorrow to the people of the world who leave the moral path and run towards adharma. Then our mind also sings.
Who shakes this loving voice, Who shakes the pierced hand,
No, no, don't do that, the last bump might be this,
Be patient, sweet loving voice, Lord Jesus, hear someone today.
Let us bathe in the bountiful fountain of repentance by hearing this slow sweet loving voice, become pure, holy and faithful and realize the purpose of Jesus' birth by sharing love with one another.
Merry Christmas
- Clara Christian
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