Grooming has been seen in men since time immemorial

- Who has the right to decorate?!

- Like women, tribal men also wear different colored beads around the neck, arm bracelets, leg bracelets, ear ornaments etc.

In today's age, the production of various types of products is increasing to enhance the beauty of the body. Similarly, new things and fashions are coming every day to make women look more and more beautiful. However, age-old customs are still prevalent among the women of many countries. Also, we can't help but wonder at the amazing beauty of the tribal women of the African region, seeing the practice of wearing different colors of hair decoration, neck, chest and arm ornaments made of bones and other materials.

Even after suffering great hardships, they do not miss to make their bodies more and more beautiful.

Tribal girls in India pay perhaps the most attention to their hair adornment. Be it going to a festival or fair or working at home, young or old are always conscious about their hair style. The artful braiding or decoration of the hair is considered the most important. Also adding various pinos, dangling bangs, combs, bamboo sticks and chops etc. to the hair increases its attractiveness.

A tribal girl is gifted a fine comb by her lover. There is such a tradition. Like the hair, it also decorates the ears. Ear decoration starts from childhood.

Girls living in the foothills of the Himalayas cover their ears completely with red and yellow earrings made of glass, while the favorite ornament of Gond girls is Dhar. Bhumia tribal girls also prefer such a fringe, the fringe joins the ears and the head. The edges are very artistic and are made by inlaying silver or some other metal. They consider this ornament precious. Women who wear dhar are considered very wealthy.

Tribal girls wear many colorful garlands around their necks. They call it ner. Some girls also wear garlands made of wild seeds, stones, beads, shells, cod etc. So some tribal women wear silver ornaments around the neck. Tribal women of Myanmar region wear a spring-like ornament around the neck. This is cumbersome to wear, but is done to increase the length or height of the dock. They consider it auspicious if the height of the dock increases. Tribals living in the north-eastern border region wear garlands made of bone. The caste is not on hunting. That is, the bones of various animals and birds are used to enhance beauty.

Tattoos are also considered beautifying among tribal women. And those tattoos remain with us even after death. Hence, it is believed that tattooing becomes a blessing in crossing Vaitarani after death. However, tattoos have a history of coming into existence to identify different castes. They also believe that the tattooed person does not get any disease.

Although the right to adorn is reserved only for tribal women, not so, tribal men also wear various ornaments. Khosi men adorn themselves with various costumes, grass on the head, jute caps, feathers or feathers on the head. They paint bamboo shoots or tie a colored cloth and put them on their heads. The tribals of Bastar region call it 'daggerpole', where the girl gifts this daggerpole to her lover. Now the tribal youths have started to paint in the colors of modernity. They believe that wearing goggles also enhances beauty.

Like women, tribal men also wear different colored necklaces around the neck, arm bangles, leg bangles, ear ornaments etc. Tribal women wear rings or other ornaments with many piercings in the nose and ears, men also do this. This ear-nose incision is believed to have a good effect on health. However, this is also accepted by the acupressure system. Experts in foreign countries have also accepted the benefit of mutilation. Now it has started growing as a fashion among foreign women. In foreign countries, men and youths also get big tattoos all over their bodies. It has its origins in tribal tattooing. In natural life, men have always seen ornaments.

Thus, it is not completely that the right of adornment belongs only to women. Even men have a tradition of adornment since time immemorial.

- Durgesh Upadhyaya
