Do the devotion of Bhola Nath with anger in your mind

Ahmedabad, August 1, 2019, Thursday

By worshiping Shiva and meditating on Shiva, the great sins of the devotees are destroyed. The devotee who worshiped Shiva attained all happiness on the earth and in the end, Kailashvasi falls into the footsteps of Shiva. Many statements of worship of Lord Bholanath have been mentioned in the scriptures. Bholanath is pleased with the way Shiv Bhakti is performed and gives Akshay, Abhay blessing to the devotee. God sends rain and grain in the life of His devotee.

No rules have been made for the worship and devotion of Shiva. But cleanliness and faith are important in worshiping Shiva. Sutaji in the gender purana addressed to the Munshivars, saying that whatever a man desires and worships in his mind, he gets the fruit. The fruit of Shiva puja is obtained according to his devotion. If a devotee performs Shiva puja with an ant mouth, he receives an elf vaginal.

A person who worships Shiva with an angry spirit gets born in the demon vagina in the second birth. The person who worships Shiva becomes a yaksha by eating inedible matter. Prajapati is the person who performs Shiva puja with Gayatri Mantra. A person worshiping Shiva with faith plays with Rudra.

Do Shiva puja like this

Establish Shivling and bathe in holy water. Imagine religion, enlightenment and establish it. After bathing it with milk, yogurt, ghee, holy water. Saffron, lamb, musk and aromatic flowers and offer the unobtrusive billpat to Shivaji. Flowers can be offered on shivling, chimps, crocodiles etc. Make Shivaji a yogurt, rice meal. Worship Shivling and visit it and pray in Aarti.
