Weekly Future - Padmanabh a. Sharma

Aries (ALE)
Due to Jupiter being lost as well. Dec 3 The ritual will take place on Monday because of the start of Dhanarak-Kamurta. Donations may be made in-kind. But auspicious work cannot be done. Due to the Sun's rotation with Saturn against Saturn, as the time goes on till Kangtotsav, there will be difficulties in the work of the business. Have to be handled in travel as well as in driving. Get caught up in a work-out decision that fails.

Ta. Dec 3 Please feel free to worry. પ્રારંભ Sun-worship to start on Mon Dhanak. To give donations. Awareness. પુત્ર Concerned in the work of Mars son grandchildren. સંભાળ Handling Mercury Meetings. ૧૯ Jupiter is inconsolable because of kinship-friendship and others. ૨૦ Venus is working quietly and with awareness. નિ Saturn Jain Paswanath Janakyalayanake should be engaged in the work of kinship, relative-friendship.

Taurus (BW)
Ta. 3-5-6 hrs. Up to 3-4-8, the time is up to you to get a sub-treatment. One is a concern and the other is the anxiety remedy. Caring for BP, diabetes, chest pain, illness. Feeling anxious about the mother, the maternal side. Be aware of the question of house-land property-vehicle. In a job business, the income-cost question is likely to cause anxiety and confusion.

Ta. Dec 3 Ravi remains mentally disturbed. Ta. ૧૬ Perform sun-worshiping for thirty days on a Monday. Take care of health. ળ Mars seems to be a sudden concern. ૧૮ Mercury may find difficulty in job-business, family-friendly work. ૧૯ Jupiter Anxiety - Trouble eases, work resolves. ૨૦ Venus should be busy with work. નિ Saturn Jain Paswanath Jan Kalyanke has the flexibility to do religious work and other work.

Gemini (AH)
In worldly life, you do not feel comfortable in public works. During the Thirty Days, the concern of the wife's health, the issue of divorce and divorce, the health of the fraternity were concerned. You have problems with your job, income, expenses. Insurgency-failure-controversy is encountered in organizational work. Abdominal waist-neck-neck problems prevent interruption of functioning.

Ta. Dec 3 Ravi Sankhata Chaturthi progresses through Ganesh Puja-Mantra Jap. પ્રારંભ Sun-worship to start on Mon Dhanak. To give donations. મુલાકાત Maintain patience-peace-of-mind in a visit to Mars. ૧૮ Mercury worries with wife and father-in-law. ૧૯ Flexibility in master job business. કામ Venus delay work is resolved. નિ Saturn Jain Paswanath Birth Kalyanake experience the peace of mind and heart in heart work.

Kirk (W.H.)
Ta. Dec 3 Beginning Monday, the family began to suffer from anxiety, anxiety, and expenses. Transaction of money leads to worry-push-fear in the transaction of securities. Eye pain or other illness. In the face of eclipse, body-mind anxiety, labor-exhaustion-boredom-anger can comfort you.

Ta. Dec 3 Keep busy busy solving delayed work. ૧૬ Sun-worshiping chanting at the beginning of Mon Dhanak-Kamurta. To give a donation-south. ંગ Mars family-family adversity. ધ Mercury in the work of the business, in the work of the bank, alert. ૧૯ Jupiter maintains flexibility in the job and business. Venus accidentally happens to meet someone. Be happy with the performance-progress. નિ Saturn Jain Paswanath Born Kalyanke to engage in religious activities, activities.

Lion (mt)

Ta. 1-5-6 hrs. During the 1-2-3, there will be interruption in the work of son and grandchildren due to dreadfulness. Other than that you have to deal with headaches - throat-neck pain, insomnia, negative thoughts - anger. The job of business is to maintain the gentleness of speech. In a joint family, in business, in property, in father-son business conflicts, you will not have peace and peace during the conflict.

Ta. Dec 3 Ravi Satish Chaturthi worries about expenses. પ્રારંભ Sun-worshiping chanting at the onset of Som Dharanaka Kumara. To give donations. તા Maintain a constant concentration of Mars ideas. ૧૮ Taking care of Mercury health. ૧૯ Jupiter can do job-business-bank work. ૨૦ Venus experiences flexibility, relaxation and relaxation. નિ Saturn Jain Paswanath Janakyalayanake in Dharmakarya, Meeting and meeting should be fun.

Girls (Bachelors)
Ta. 1-5-6 hrs. 1-3-8 You do not have peace and relaxation because of anxiety, cost-of-living, distress, unrest in the job business, in the work of relatives, friendship, house-land, property and vehicles during the period of adolescence. The government-political-account-legal question has to be careful. Do not neglect even the slightest pain in the chest — the back pain.

Ta. Dec 3 Ravi should be busy with business and other extra work. ૧૬ Mon-karmak starts so perform sun-worship till kite festival. Keep on giving. ળ Mars in government-legal question, handling of bank affairs. ૧૮ Mercury remains a mental disturbance. ૧૯ Jupiter has to do some work, accidentally. ક્ર Venus should have flexibility in employment and business affairs. નિ Saturn Jain Paswanath Janakyalanayake rejoices in performance and progress.

Libra (R)
Not to make allegations, failures, insults or disputes. Brothers and Servants - Servant-craftsman - Superior officer, child-bearing, working abroad, may experience anxiety-related expenses. Eating and drinking have to be handled in relation to a relative-friendly relationship. Excessive self-confidence, in ego, can hurt you.

During the debilitating lunacy, in business, the job causes problems for others. Ta. Dec 3 Ravi Sankhata Chaturthi flexibility in working with Ganesh Puja-Mantra Jap. ૧૬ The onset of Som Dankarakara - worries about job and business activities. શકો Pay attention to work that is delayed Mars. ધ Mercury-related anxiety. માં In the work of Jupiter Bank, government relations have to be handled. ૨૦ Venus is hurriedly disputed. નિ Saturn Jain Paswanath Janmakalyan kayak is done. May the heart and mind be happy.

Scorpio (NY)
Ta. 1-5-6 hrs. In the business of business, family-family relationships, house-to-land and land-property, concern for the cost of living-affection-related problems during 2-3 years. You may have difficulty in functioning in the eyes, in the waist, in the thighs, in the legs, in pain. Relax in the work of son grandchildren. Ta. Dec 3 Ravi Sankash Chaturthi used to go out, rejoice in Dharmakarya.

૧૬ Sun-worship is performed at the beginning of the Som Dhan Sankranti. To give donations. નોકરી Mars is worried about the busyness of the job-business. ક્ર Venus is free from relative-friendship, government-political work. ૧૯ Maintain flexibility in the work of the grand son's grandchildren. Venus is accidentally a work, a benefit. નિ Saturn Jain Paswanath Jany Kalyanke Travel, visit, have fun in Dharmakarya.

Ta. 1-5-6 hrs. Until 1-3-6 kite festival, you will experience frequent problems in the business world, in the work of the business due to mental distress, agitation, anger or physical discomfort. On the way, there is no sense of thinking, of moving, of driving, of zero mentality. In a dispute with a wife, there is nothing in the question of divorce, interruption or delay in the marriage.

Be busy. Ta. Dec 3 Ravi let out a disturbance. ૧૬ Maintain peace and tranquility at the onset of the Som Posh Transition. Sun-worship To give donations. ળ Mars needs daily attention. Keeping Mercury Concentrated. રૂ Flexibility in master job-business activities. ૨૦ Venus is relaxed, relaxed, work solved ૨૧ Saturn Jain Paswanath Birth welfare is done. The offspring is done.

Ta. 1-5-6 hrs. You may be stuck in a work situation, even though you are not in bondage until the kite festival. The more one begins to worry, the more the anxiety begins. Take care of health. Do not neglect pain in the eyes, waist, thighs, legs, anus, or urinary tract. Driving the vehicle quietly, slowly.

Sun-worshiping chanting daily. Frequently giving donations and donations. Ta. Dec 3 Ravi should be busy with family work. Mon. To worship Chant Donate Donations ૧૭ Mars handles with the body, mind and body. ધ Mercury contingency anxiety. ૧૯ Flexibility, flexibility in the job of the Guru. ૨૦ Venus has to save relations in the country and abroad. નિ Saturn Jain Paswanath Janakyalayanake in Dharmakarya, in other work, flexibility.

Aquarius (GS)
Ta. Dec 3 From Monday, Dhanarak-Kamurta starts so Ta. 2 Jan Until the kite festival, you may be concerned about the wife's offspring. You have trouble keeping your body and mind balanced. In public institutional work, in relationships, in job-business work, due to misunderstandings and conflicts, timely work is not done.

In a partnership work, the business suffers due to illness-dispute. Ta. Dec 3 Work on the delay is resolved. ૧૬ Sun worship at the onset of Som Dhakarakaka Kumarata. Chant To give donations. ૧૭ Mars is busy with business. ૧૮ Mercury delays work. ૧૯ Jupiter - Anxiety Anxiety - Remedy. ૨૦ Venus is hand-wrestling. નિ Saturn Jain Paswanath Birth Kalyanke to have fun in Dharmakarya.

Pisces (DZ)
During the debilitating debauchery, be careful about the job and business activities as well as the parent or guardian. Government-political-departmental work remains troublesome. The son is worried about the grandchild's question. Relationships - friendships are upset, misunderstood and controversial. A partnership business starts with a breakdown, a conflict.

Travel has to be handled on the road as well as on and off the road. Ta. Dec 3 Ravi's son is worried about the granddaughter. Ta. પ્રારંભ Sun-worship to start on Mon Dhanak. To give donations. ળ Mars remains anxious. ધ Mercury is required to be aware of the workings of the business. રહે Maintain flexibility in Jupiter's functioning. ૨૦ Venus keep busy in the important work. નિ Saturn Jain Paswanath Birth welfare should be religious but take care of health.
