Over 50 grams of chili can cause dementia, know what is dementia

New Delhi, July 27, 2019, Saturday

People use different types of chili to make a meal tasty and crisp. But according to a recent finding, people who regularly eat more than 50 grams of chili are at higher risk of developing dementia. This discovery was made on some Chinese people. These people ranged in age from 50 to 55.

The study found that people who consumed more than 50 grams of chilli had a sharp decline in their cognitive functioning. People who regularly consume too much chilli may suffer from dementia and may begin to lose their memory.

What is dementia?

Dementia is not an illness but a set of symptoms. These symptoms are related to brain damage. The person suffering from this problem also becomes dependent on others to carry out their daily activities.

According to the researchers, not one but several types of chili were used in this study. It also included dried and green chillies. Capsicum and pepper were not included in this study, however. It is believed that most chili is consumed in China. In this regard, South Australia University researcher Ming Li said that chilli is the most used spice in the world. It is more popular in Asia than in European countries. In some areas of China, such as Sichuan and Hunan, one in three adults eat spicy meals every day. An element called capsaicin in chilli brightens the body's metabolism.
