Even Anil Kapoor, 62, looks young, making his look 'jakas' this meal

Mumbai, September 20, 2019, Friday

Anil Kapoor, 62, also beats the present-day hero with his look. Looking at Anil Kapoor, it is difficult to know his age. He has a special diet responsible for his energy and youthful appearance. Anil Kapoor talked about this secret diet during an interview. Anil Kapoor has given his Health and Young Look credit to South Indian Food. Yes, it may sound strange, but it is the only South Indian food that has been eaten for many years. However, everyone is questioning whether eating idli, dosa, can keep the youth alive? It is important that some experts also acknowledge this and explain how South Indian food makes a person healthy and young.

According to experts, South Indian food has fermentation. Because of this it is beneficial for health. There are 3 types of benefits to eating foods that are more than other food items. Let us know what are these benefits and how South Indian food benefits the body.

1. The first benefit is that South Indian food is rapidly digested.

2. Another benefit is that fermented foods have a high amount of nutrition. This is because food fermentation increases during fermentation. With it good bacteria enter the body. Which leads to greater nutrition in the body.

3. Fermented food is good for the gut. Regularly eating South Indian food keeps the body healthy.

South Indian food is cooked in coconut oil so its quality increases. That is why healthy body and good skin as well as hair is the body of South Indian food. Its effect is also seen inside and outside the body. Drink coconut water with this food. This keeps the electrolyte balance in the body.

Good dose of protein

South Indian cuisine is rich in probiotics. Especially in Idli, Dosa and Utpam. Fermentation improves digestion, increases vitamin B and improves the immune system. Foods like idli, dosa are prepared with a mixture of lentils and rice. As a result, protein intake increases in the body. The combination of both items greatly increases the amount of protein in the meal.

Apart from this, food items like rasam and sunar have low calories. Because they contain a lot of vegetables, lentils and yogurt. A meal made with coconut oil is also beneficial for the heart. South Indian food is usually served with whey that cools the stomach. It also contains probiotics, protein, calcium, potassium and vitamin B12.

Coconut is the most commonly used ingredient in South Indian. According to experts, coconut water, coconut milk, oils all work as magic for skin and hair. This meal, made in coconut oil, is the main source of medium chain triglyceride. It is easily digested in the body and improves hair and skin. Antibiotic drugs, chlorinated water, processed food and increased stress cause the bacteria inside the body to vanish. Therefore, our body needs probiotics to keep us healthy and it comes from foods like idli, dosa, appam.
