The scientific cause of how a person is killed and what is death

New Delhi, 11 October 2019, Friday

When a person is between 30 and 35, he may experience slight body changes. According to doctors, every ten years the body mass of the body decreases. 40 to 80 years of age, 40 percent of the body's muscles swallow.

The cells of the human body are different at each time and become new cells again. This action develops in the body. But as age increases, the cells stop acting. 40 percent of the muscle is lost and the survivors begin to weaken. Because of this, the DNA of a man is starting to get worse. DNA disorders can also cause cancer-like illness.

It is worth mentioning that the human body functions like a machine and death means the machine is shut down. So let us know what happens to the body at the time of man's death.

1. The body is not in control.

2. The brain stops working and the heart stops for a while.

3. After 4 to 6 minutes of heartbeat, the brain stops reaching oxygen and the body starts to move.

4. Lack of oxygen causes brain cells to die.

5. The time when this process takes place in the body is called point of no return or natural death in medical science.

6. Body temperature decreases 1.5 degrees every hour after death.

7. Blood begins to solidify in the body and the body becomes clogged.

8. Skin cells and intestinal bacteria survive in the body for up to 24 hours after death.

According to scientists, good food, adequate sleep, water and exercise are essential to keep the body healthy and to avoid this risk for a long time.
