Particular care should be taken by pregnant women who have had a C-section

After childbirth, women are constantly worried about their baby. He eats and drinks whatever the old lady of the house says so that he does not run out of milk. Experienced women in the family also insist on feeding and drinking things that do not cause the baby to run out of breast milk. But in the last few years, the number of C-section deliveries has increased dramatically. Even pregnant women are afraid of gaining weight, so they are confused about what to eat and what not to eat. Overcoming their confusion, experts say ..,

Special care must be taken to ensure that the mother and newborn receive adequate nutrition after a c-section. Naturally, a nutritious diet remains important to them. So first of all, the mother should drink eight to 10 glasses of water every day. So that the body does not become dehydrated. Adequate drinking of water also helps in producing enough milk in the mother's breast. However, it is advisable to drink warm water in the early stages. But if ajmo is also added to this water, i.e. boiled water after drinking ajmo, then it has anti-bacterial properties, anti-oxidants etc. which help in improving the health of the mother and increasing breast-milk. Apart from that coconut water, orange juice, buttermilk etc. can also be taken.

Cereals like brown rice, wheat, various types of beans, oats are rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, folic acid, iron, fiber as well as anti-oxidants. Therefore, the inclusion of such cereals in the daily diet promotes the development of the mother and the newborn. Lentils are an important source of protein. In fact, everyone should eat enough lentils every day to supply enough protein. But for women who have had a C-section, mugs and lentils are considered digestible.

Dried fruits are also an important source of various nutrients for pregnancy. Dried fruits are rich in nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, protein, fiber, calcium, zinc, potassium. So eating dried fruits relieves fatigue and weakness.

Fresh fruits and green vegetables are also considered to be the best for maternal health, they contain all the vitamins, minerals, water and nutrients. As a result it helps in improving digestion and boosting the immune system. Include enough broccoli, spinach, fenugreek, prawns, tindola, watermelon, lemon etc. in your daily diet. Especially lemon protects against any kind of infection after C-section.

Spices used regularly in everyday cooking also remain beneficial for pregnancy. Spices like turmeric, asafoetida, cumin, fenugreek, ajma contain nutrients like vitamins, fiber, calcium. It simplifies digestion and boosts the immune system. Cumin increases breast milk. While turmeric helps in healing the stitches.

It is advisable to take low-fat dairy products after C-section. Such as skimmed milk, yogurt, soy cheese etc. All of these substances also strengthen the baby's bones. It doesn't matter if you take two to three glasses of milk and other dairy products in a day.

However, experts also say that avoid excessive consumption of tea-coffee, junk food, eggplant, chickpeas, radishes, oats, pickles, rice, chickpeas, peas, kidney beans, cabbage, chickpea flour. There is a possibility of gas from such things.

-Vaishali Thakkar
