Arrow taane hai shikari aad mein, aur parinde hai open sky

Practical solutions to control the demons regarding girls who have died after many brides like Nirbhaya-Asifa-Chandni-Gudiya-Priyanka!

India is an agrarian, secular, speech-oriented, hypocritical country, so is a liberal country. Here are people feeling like waves of stormy seas. Also, some time passes, and as if nothing has happened, everything is forgotten. It happens again, and it re-emerges. Milk is only foam, not nourished.

This is how this folklore emerged. Here is an article written about the students who had just set fire to Surat just a few months ago. In which the fear that after a few shouting, everything will be forgotten. Without fire safety, everything will burn out as per usual.

And see. At that time, put a photo of snow pill online, so do you want to be burned while the boys are burning? (Who knows, if he is fasting after receiving the news! But does the social network do anything to criticize someone?). All oblivion in the shoe. Where's the rollercoaster of all this Temporary aggression. The country that has become a patriot in a state of insanity when in Pulwama, only to wear a helmet if not become a carpenter?

From the open borewell, Prince escapes, as the A4 has become the live soap opera of TV. Then? Fatehvir in Punjab, Kamal Meena in Rajasthan, Sujit Wilson in Tamil Nadu - all these children died in such a way. These are the names that came to mind when I was writing and writing. The second will be the same. There is also an open deadly pit and borewell. There are also laws that should not be. Finish up, digest anxiety.

Such kidnap plus gangrene plus Murder's 'Triple Terror' is one of the most brutal, abominable, brutal crimes of terror in the world. Do this from time to time, constantly. Gameplay. The last was written on the Travel Advisory announced by the US Department of Foreign Affairs in the last 8, which contained clear instructions to American Girl Exchange Students and Female Travelers such as 'Beaver of Hungry Eyes - of Indian Mail'. Means, "Beware of Indian Men with Hungry Eyes!"

This is not a matter of 'eye-pointers', such as "romantic eyes", such as 'eyes', '' eyes '', '' '' So much so that the American woman needs to have a heartfelt flirting. It has invitations, apparitions. But there is no paranoid touch or compulsive lust. This is a sight for the greedy hunter gazing at me with eyes like a maddening vulture. Which is unfortunately in our blood. There are films or webseries that are called vulgar, but we have to revisit the lesson that vulgar is our audience.

In a Poetic erotic scene, the two rapists come in from a dark audience, watching their two lips or lips, making frivolous comments with Sisara and CTO. For whom a woman is a means of enjoyment. Its a cosmetic resource. Mahatma, who indirectly confesses to being called a miner of hell, indirectly confesses that there is no restraint on his mind and mind after millions of sadhana, therefore, as the chocolate is removed from the baby, it is a shock to all women. This is celibacy, not celibacy. The unconscious, Krishna - after forming the rasa in Vrindavan with the Gopis, then leaves and leaves Vrindavan forever. If there was harmony in the constraints, such an eloquent saying of Osho would only qualify for salvation!

In essence, it is not possible to cure diabetes by eating sugars without having diabetes. If the sugars remain normal even after eating sweets, the disease is called mutai. The solutions to such an event are naive, childish. There is no logical solution in which, again, Emotional emerges. Immediately, reactions are the same as most of the restriction on women or the ban on donuts. Turn off mobile, put strict censorship on web-movies, close pubs, close parties, stop dance, don't wear short clothes, don't talk to men and women, don't walk alone, don't love, don't love on social networks. Don't post, abstain from Western culture, defile non-religious thinking ...

The list is long. Is also useless. Simple discernment aside from being hypocritical can be learned enough to read the news where the woman is the alreadi in many restrictions as a secondary citizen. Where there is a burqa covering street censorship, where rape, murder of women and all kinds of crime are happening in tight Islamic countries where foreign sites are benched on the net. The movies used to be when the internet was not invented. Sitaharan and Draupadi Garbhavan is not a story written today.

The original deformity is characteristic of some men. The proof of this is that a small number of dolls kill three- to four-year-old children playing in horses, and they kill and kill them. Mobile may be the trigger. No pill. If there was no mobile, such a sculpture would have been gray to see. It is for the poor. Not an expression of free art! Not Modern Fashion!

Just give another extreme sex education so the rape will stop, that is. Of course, youth education is indispensable. They need teachers-parents just as much as students. But the reality check is that yep rap cases are reported in those countries. The proportion is small, the reasons are different - but man is the same. Countries from Burkha to Bikini are not rape-free. This is like a road accident. Whatever the precaution or the rules, the risk remains unresolved in any corner of the world.

Take enough prednisone, like terrorism, punish it severely. But a one-to-one brain scan is not possible. Even the police are impossible for security. (There have been reported cases of rape by policemen, of Murder-Terrorism by the guards). So you can reduce it. Be careful. Create a step-by-step system. But even a polio-smallpox can't be eradicated!

Like Terrorism, this has no fixed frame theory. Just as a highly educated, wealthy, happy man can be a fanatic fanatic, even a poor, illiterate, laborer. The same is true of the so-called terrorists. Just like physical torture, trolleys, like mental rape, we associate rape murder directly with religion or caste. But if you read each news carefully, it will not create a 'stereotype' nurturing any prejudices. Matthias-Mahanta-priests-mullahs Hindu-Muslim-golden-dalit, criminals of all religions and communal castes will be found.

The Hyderabad incident became controversial as it had drama from the angles of the media and human nature. Young, beautiful, educated woman. Metropolis considered safe. It's not a late night. Disappear mysteriously. A call from a sister who made her cry before anyone. Express your suspicions that something bad is about to happen, but you can't escape it. If you read this, there is an error! The vet doctor can heal the beast, but the pesky mentality of predatory criminals like predatory animals ends up being a psychological film of a psycho killer.

Such shocking, shocking events shine through. For example, the kidnapping of Mohan Hamir and his accomplice while going to the old fort of Rajkot Chandani and his sister's sister-in-law, followed by rape attempt. It ran away. The death sentence was announced. Girl attending tuition class in Surat. Nirbhaya-Gudia-Kathua's Asifa etc. are well-known events. In the same case, the case of the Dalit Daughters of the revenge of the gang-raped murderers remains controversial and the victim of the crime. The movie reached the screen. However, the case of his true accused did not end. There was also a vampire incident that killed the creditor's little daughter.

Infact Dr. Priyanka Reddy case became controversial, around this time dozens of incidents of rape, abduction, murder were reported from Gujarat to Madhya Pradesh, Bihar to Uttar Pradesh, but there was not much talk of such dramatic impact. This is horrible, tragic. The rape case in the country raises awareness immediately because of the book. And one of the main reasons is that there is more of a trustworthy atmosphere and more of a tyrannical privacy. Animal Behavior is not the only appetite for a short wardrobe or drug image. Despite nudity beaches in European countries that have a liberal approach to sex, legalizing prostitution, nowhere in the country do women have insecurities. Stay safe.

There is no inherent attraction to it as beauty is instinctive. Drink from Normal Life Striptease Dance is a natural, though not exclusive, Secure. Women are more Confident. Children and adolescents are not surprised by sexual contact or limbs. The gossip of science has not suppressed the rigor of old-fashioned religiosity. Immediately after each rap case, not all male or female lovers or lovers can be raped by blaming Dance-Drink parties, film-TV-web scenes, dialogues, beauty art, erotic expressions, Freedom of Individuality, and so on.

(Without any official surveys, we, even narrowly illiterate leaders and religious leaders, go back to finding the nasty "spoiled time"!) The family words like woman's 'got robbed', 'honor is destroyed' are not in the currency. So it is not difficult to live a normal life. We are also considered as a social shame, even loving, divorced, widowed. Today, mental rapists break free by calling this inter-caste marriage a 'hybrid'.

But there is a question of privacy and privacy. So if the other's dress is not in the attitude of being judgmental over life too. Crowds like us don't have horn cheesecakes. The population is less than a kilometer to kilometers, with no sound to be heard. For days the door to the side house would be knocked out. Onesti, high standards of dancership make it easy for cheating hunters to cheat.

But people are upset and alarmed by such events. But in the name of provocation, Freedom, Fun, Privacy, Pleasure do not rush to sacrifice. Even with the risk, the importance of the Individual space is high. Also, justice is quick there. If the fury breaks out and the smoke booms, then the salivary system wakes up for a refreshing action. Fast-forward to the years of fast track talk, the immediate implementation of justice. This is Murder Apart from Murder, rap is rap above.

Different from the other karasa of pressing talk. Then within seconds the lollipop is given all the political futures that the police will come and leave at night. Which is unrealistic. After the puckers start making unreasonable calls, the government just shuts down. With regard to helmet-traffic laws, there is no firm stand against watbank. Without a ditch-free, speedless breaker road, the public is not expecting the government to charge a hefty fine toll.

That is why the natural anger of the people took the law into their hands, crush them with stone, cut off their gender, burn in chili smoke, and give them solutions like red ants. Practically all of these things have a lot in common. When the accused's sin has become so obvious as to shout, let him be directly in the crowd or let the encounter happen, even if the place is faked. That's exactly what conspired to do, when drunken rape killers were captured in trust, that's enough.

But there are a few further suggestions for typical responses, as given earlier. A quick recap for this tragic reminder. A few hits from the typical. But also from a long way of thinking.

Read, do not think and force the execution.

(2) The definition of rap, according to international standards for the protection of women's dignity, is long overdue in law. Not only is genital puncture seen in films considered rap. Some types of touch harassment are considered valid. In it the heartbreaking crimes are mixed with others. The death sentence of rape is a death sentence, true to the point of expression. But only in such kidnapping-rape-murder-crimes.

Otherwise, if the punishment of Murder-rap is murder, then some Criminals kill the Victim by saying that the punishment for Victim is the same! Also, such real brutal cases run counter-intuitively, such as rape complaints (raped for years, raped in different places, raped, promised marriage or promoted promiscuity, formed relationships with minors, merit rap - as agreed. , Disagreement, or expectation, which is technically a rap affair, but not practically) in a separate title. So that the severity of the original crime does not decrease, and the burden on the judiciary is reduced.

(3) Our Police Helpline does not work professionally. In the FIR, eternity thugs are without attachment. Another helpline is a mobile app or a private NGO. Training a woman for self-defense may seem to work in the case of Romeo. Thus, surrounded by a number of young men in the Sumsam area, the trained Soldier will also have to take a lot of steps. So the Help Network has to be professionally created to get the film out of effect.

Same as America's Nine Emergency Emergency Numbers. For that, the address card - the base card has to be stronger. It's a long process. પણ ત્વરિત કડક સજાના ન્યાયથી જેમ ડર બેસે, એમ ઘટના બને એ પહેલા રોકવાનો આ જ જડબેસલાક ઉકેલ છે. પબ્લિક ટીખળ માટે નકામા કોલ ન કરે, એ માટે ય ટેવ પાડવી પડે. આ સેટઅપ ઈન્ફ્રાસ્ટ્રકચરને જરૂર ગણીને યુદ્ધના ધોરણે ગોઠવવું. મસ્ટ મસ્ટ. એ પછી ગુના તો બને, પણ કેટલા બનતા પહેલા અટકશે એ ભલે હેડલાઇનમાં ન આવે, હાર્ટલાઇનમાં સેવ કરો.

(૩) જગતમાં કોઇની એવી ત્રેવડ નથી કે ઈન્ટરનેટ પરની સામગ્રીને સેન્સર કરે. જ્યાં આવા પ્રયાસો થાય છે, ત્યાં પણ સોનાની દાણચોરી જેવું અન્ડરવર્લ્ડ ઊભું થાય છે. પોર્નોગ્રાફી ચૂંટાયેલા જનપ્રતિનિધિઓ ય જોતા ઝડપાયા છે, ત્યાં વ્યવહારૂ રીતે કેટલા ડૂચા મારવા, ક્યાં? કેવી રીતે? જે શક્ય નથી, એના સપના જોવા સમયની બરબાદી છે. એક-બે ટકા ગાંડિયા વિકૃતો માટે આધુનિક પ્રજાનું આખું સોશ્યલ નેટવર્ક કે ફ્રીડમ ઓફ એક્સપ્રેશન છીનવી લો, તો સરમુખત્યારી ને રૂઢિચુસ્તતાનું તાલિબાન રાજ વેઠવું પડે, પણ આપણે ત્યાં જે મફત છે, એ મૂલ્યહીન થઇ જાય એવો પ્રજાનો સ્વભાવ છે.

આવા વિકૃત સડેલા રેપિસ્ટ મર્ડરર સસ્તા શરાબ ને ચીપ વિડિયોઝના રવાડે ચડેલા હોય છે. એ માટે વોટ્સએપ, ફેસબૂક વગેરે બધા જ પોલિટિકલી પણ મિસયુઝ થતા સોશ્યલ મીડિયાને પેઇડ બનાવી દેવા, એ જ ભારતીય માનસિકતા પૂરતો ઉપાય છે. મોટે ભાગે મોંઘી ટિકિટ હોય એવા શોમાં કોમેન્ટશૂરા ટપોરી પ્રેક્ષકો ઓછા ડોકાય છે. પ્રતિબંધ ન મૂકો, પણ મગજના સસ્તા હલકા લોકોની પહોંચબહાર બનાવી દો આ બેધારી તલવાર જેવા મીડિયાને. લોકશાહી-વેલફેર સ્ટેટને માફક આવે એવી વાત નથી. પણ આવા અપરાધીઓ ય ઠોકશાહીને લાયક છે. સરકારને જે ફંડ મળે એનું મહિલાસુરક્ષાની હેલ્પલાઇનમાં ઈન્વેસ્ટમેન્ટ કરો, સાવ રોકશો એનું આકર્ષણ બમણું વધી જશે.

(૪) સો વાતની એક વાત. જે રેપ જેવો ક્રાઇમ કરી શકે, એ જુવેનાઇલ (બાળક) નથી. એનો ક્રાઇમ જ એના એડલ્ટ હોવાનો પુરાવો છે. એ મુજબ જ સજા થવી જોઇએ. અને ચાંદનીવાળા મોહનથી પ્રિયંકાવાળા આરીફ સુધીના અગાઉ નાના ગુનામાં ક્યાંક પકડાયેલા. લંડન બ્રિજ પર ચાકુ લઇ બે જણને મારી આવેલો ત્રાસવાદી ઉસ્માન ૨૦૧૨માં ઝડપાયેલો. નાના ગુનામાં પકડાઇને છટકવા મળે, પછી મોટા ગુનાની હિંમત ખુલે અમુકની. માટે જતું કરવાને બદલે આવા દરેક અપલખણને વિજીલન્સ, સતર્કતાથી ટ્રીટ ને ટ્રેક કરવા.

(૫) પુરૂષપ્રધાન સમાજવ્યવસ્થાની સાઇડ ઈફેક્ટ સ્ત્રીભૂ્રણહત્યા, બળાત્કારનું વધતું પ્રમાણ છે. સ્ત્રીઓ પર અંકુશ મૂકતા નિયમો કુટુંબોમાં વધારવાને બદલે, એને દરેક સ્થિતિ સાથે કામ લેવા જેટલી સ્વતંત્ર, બાહોશ બનાવો. જુવાન દીકરીઓને દારૂની વાસ ને દરિન્દાની નજર પારખતા શીખવાડો. અમુક વિસ્તારમાં ન જવું કે અમુક સિચ્યુએશનમાં થોડું વિચારવું, એ માટે કાબેલ બનાવો. પણ ખરું તો દીકરાઓને ઉછેરતી વખતે સૌંદર્યના લાલિત્ય અને બળાત્કારની લાલસાનો ભેદ શીખવાડો. બળાત્કાર સ્ત્રી નહિ, પુરૂષ કરે છે. કંટ્રોલ એના પર જોઇએ. મરદને કેળવો કે બગીચાના ફુલો ડાળી પર લહેરાય એમાં રંગસુગંધ છે, એને ચૂંટી કાઢતા ખેદાનમેદાન કરતા આખલા ન બનાય!

ફાસ્ટ ફોરવર્ડ

વો એક ઔરત હૈ કોઈ ગોશ્ત કી દુકાન નહિ,

જીસે આતે જાતે તુમ બસ કુત્તોં સા ઘૂરા કરો!

મહેન્દ્ર પટેલ
