LCD Screen Detector: James Ferguson

Liquid Crystal Display The brief LCD screen is well known to us. You may be surprised to know, but LCD was invented in an attempt to detect a screen for cancer diagnosis and is widely used today. This inflammation was made by a scientist named James Ferguson. He made 3 searches.

James Ferguson was born Born in the US state of Missouri on January 7, 2005 in Backenda, Missouri. He served in the military for a while, earning a physics degree at the University of Missouri. Then Welting joined the Hussey Laboratory for research. Is. In 7, he joined the Liquid Crystal Institute and discovered the Seminal Crystal.

He established his own factory for making liquid crystals in the 5th. And the world's first LCD screened watches were put on the market. Ferguson gained many honors by finding the smallest as big as 3. He died on the 5th of December 9th.
