Gupta Navaratri to start from 25th, Navadurga gets worship for Tantra Sadhana

New Delhi, 22 January 2020, Wednesday

According to Hindu beliefs, a total of 4 Navratri comes in a year. Apart from Shardiya and Chaitra Navratri, the two Navratri are called Gupta Navratri. The first secret Navratri falls in the Shukla party of the mass and the second in the Shukla party of the eighth month. Gupta Navaratri is scheduled to fast during the 9 days and the first day is performed.

This festival is considered special for devotees. Tantric meditation is performed during the secret Navratri days. It is believed that the sadhana of the secret Navratri is kept secret. Compared to other Navratri, the sadhana performed in secret Navratri is harder but more productive. In this Navratri, there is a statement of worship of mother Kali.

When does the secret Navratri begin?

This year's Secret Navratri is from January 25 to February 3. Various forms of deity are worshiped in this nine-day festival. The worship of Mother Kali, Tara Devi, Tripur Sundari, Bhubaneshwari, Chinnin, Tripur Bhairavi, Dhomavati mother, Bagalamukhi, Matangi and Kamla Devi are worshiped. If you want to reap the fruits of this Navratri, recite Durga Saptasti daily. Also recite Durga Chalisa and recite the mantra. Goddess Durga's mantra Om Dur Durgai Nama: Wear a mantra on the day.
