Female Enemy Disease: Sciatica

The name "sciatica" is not a new name for readers. "Sciatica" is also known as "Ranjan". And after 6 years, it is seen in many women. "Sciatica" is commonly referred to as "Ranjan" in the language and Garhudisi in Ayurveda. These vascular diseases, which are caused by airway, cause severe pain in women.

Modern science believes that sciatica forms the nerve by gathering the five beads in the back of the spinal cord and the nodules that descend from the underlying nodules. Now when the final - fifth bead moves backwards for any reason, there is a lot of pressure on this pulse. It causes a lot of pain in the sciatic nerve as well as the waist area. The anguish goes up to the heel of the foot.

The disease, known as sore throat, is so severe that the disease moves like a vulture. This is why the disease is known as sore throat. Airborne outbreaks are often thought to be the cause of this disease. Persistent standing or wearing high heel sandals causes pressure on the sciatic nerve, and the patient is suffering from lightning current from the waist down to the thighs, knees, ankles and toes.

Diagnosis - Causes: - Gastrointestinal disease is the leading cause of the disease. In Ayurveda, it is said that "no wool without it" is the main cause of jaundice from the waist, shifting too much weight, dropping the bead, burning of the gut, fading, tartar, rash, lukewarm intake etc.

Symptoms: - Among the common symptoms of this disease is the common symptom of pain from the waist to the bottom of the foot. These pains occur in one leg in some patients and in some patients in both legs. An average healthy person can sleep up to 8 ounces tall without twisting his legs from his knees. When a sciatica sufferer suffers from this kind of foot failure. Patients with such symptoms often have foot tremors, inflammation, as well as diarrhea, urinary distress.

X-ray, CtScan and MI are used to confirm this disease. Can be useful.

* Roller therapy can be a very quick treatment in sciatica. We have talked about roller therapy in an earlier issue. This roller therapy has a very effective effect in the waist as well as sciatica patients.

In this disease the patient has to use excess of garlic, garlic, cloves etc. and always keep the stomach clean. If the patient has constipation, take 5 tablets of herd with warm water.

Vihar: - Complete rest for the patient in this disease. If the patient develops a habit of sleeping on a mat bed in a balanced area. Panchakarma therapy also gives good results in this disease. Patients are a very good option in this disease. The filling of oil in the waist beads by nourishment nourishes the cushion between the two beads and strengthens it. In addition, anal sedative oil suppresses the gaseous gases from the body by lubricating them in the gastrointestinal tract. So that the grief of the air is reduced automatically. In addition to medicine, Mahayogaraj Googal, Pathadi Gogal, Sharamadi Kavath, Dasmul Kavath, Talukasana Ras etc. can be used as per medical advice.

Along with the above herbal remedies, the Panchakarma therapy experiment also overcomes any number of chronic diseases, and if used with roller therapy, there is no difference in the smell of gold.
