Find out if your kundali has Raj Yoga or not

New Delhi, 5 February 2020, Wednesday

In astrology some yogas have been called Rajyoga. These yogas are so auspicious that they have a king-like life. That is, he receives all kinds of happiness in his life. But the question is how to know if there is Rajyoga in Kundali. So let's tell you today the easy way to know about Raj Yoga. This way you will know for yourself whether your kundali has Rajyoga or not.

1. According to Maharishi Bhrigu, the person in whose horoscope all the planets in the second, third, sixth, eighth or twelfth place is born with the great Rajyoga. Such yoga is called throne yoga. Because of this yoga, one attains the same position as the throne. Speaking of the present, such a person who has such yoga sits at a higher position in the government or other higher position.

2. A person who has an inauspicious planet Saturn, Sun, Rahu in the eighth position in the horoscope and also in the auspicious planet such as Jupiter, Moon, Venus birth place, is also fortunate. The fate of such people consists of flag yoga. Such people are respected in society and become big politicians.

3. In whose horoscope Jupiter is in his zodiac, Pisces or wealth. If Venus is in Libra and Mars is in Aries, then it is fortunate in matters of wealth. Such people enjoy the same splendor of a king.

4. In Kundali the Moon is in the house at eleven and Jupiter is in the third position even if Raja Yoga. The person born in this yoga lives the same life as the king. They gain fame and become rich in society. Similarly in the fifth house of Kundli, Mercury in the fifth house and the Moon in the tenth house get the fruit of Rajyoga.

5. Jupiter Kirk in Kundali is in marriage ie if Guru is high then person is wise and adventurous. Such a person gains respect in the society and the king achieves equal happiness.

6. In whose horoscope both the Mercury and the Moon are in Taurus or Virgo simultaneously, they achieve success in life with speech and cleverness. Such people succeed in politics.
