This miraculous fruit comes from Shiva puja in Prash vrat, know the importance

New Delhi, 5 February 2020, Wednesday

There is a statement of worshiping Shiva in Pradoash vrat. If Shivaji is worshiped with rituals on this day, then every person's devotion is completed. Prashod vrata comes twice a month. Shivaji should be worshiped on both these days. Shivaji is pleased to worship Shivaji in the evening on the day of Pradosh. The month of Pradohas vrat will come on February 7 and Friday.

The story of Pradosh Vrat

The story of Pradosh is described in Skanda Purana. In ancient times, a widowed Brahmin woman used to leave begging with her son in the morning and returning in the evening. One day as she was coming to her house begging, she found a beautiful baby in a very bad condition along the river. This child was a prince of the Vidarbha country, Dharmagupta. By killing his father, the enemy had taken over his kingdom and his mother also died of misery.

The Brahmin woman took this child with her and went to the temple to see God. In the temple, he found Maharshi Shandilya and asked the Brahmin woman to take the blame. According to the sage's command, she fasted. One day while the two children were walking in the forest, they met the Gandharva girls. Brahmin Kumar returned home but Prince Gandharva started talking to the bride. The prince invited the Gandharva bride to visit with his father. The Gandharva bride informed her father that Dharmagupta is the prince of Vidarbha country and then the Gandharva bride was married to the prince.

After marriage, the prince raided Vidarbha with the help of Gandharva's army and won his country again. The incident happened in the wake of the Brahmins' impeccable vow. When the prince became king, he also honored Brahmin and his son with honors in the state. It is said that the one who pledges the blame and the one who hears the story never faces poverty.
