New York, February 9, Wednesday, Wednesday
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory operates in Greenbank, USA. In the Second World War, the work of radio and radar technology became very advanced. The US selected Virginia's Elgin Mountains for the National Radio Astronomy Observatory for further research in this field. At that time there was not a single place with a population of more than 4 in the area of 6 km. This led to a less colonial situation more appropriate to the Astronomy Observatory, named Greenbank.
In space 3, Cornell University space scientist Frank Drake started research on aliens. The experiment has been named Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. The main purpose of launching a US government-run project was to find life on the planet through radio waves. An equation was created to find out if the earth-like world could be on another planet. The feature of this place is that the mobile towers cannot be installed here. Not only mobiles are also allowed to carry any kind of signal-releasing gadgets such as the iPad, cordless phones, wireless headphones, Blue Truth devices, microwave ovens and remote-controlled toys. Only the Police and Fire Station departments can use electronic gadgets in contact with Green Bank scientists. Since the space is completely electronic signal free, the radio and television signals are not captured. The residence of the people involved in this research work is known as the Green City. The people of this Green City are accustomed to a life without signal.
The telescope's dish is wider than a football stadium
Studying asteroids, leaving a radio wave at this location with a magnificent telescope. The world's most powerful and largest telescope is also found here, known as the Green Bank Telescope. It weighs 1.5 million pounds while the length is 5 feet. Inside this telescope dish is big enough to contain a football stadium. This telescope is used to research black holes, radiation belts, and waves of gravity. The telescope is also believed to be holding a signal of 2 billion light years away. Since this telescope is extremely sensitive in detecting electronic signals, electronic signals are prohibited in order not to disturb the operation.
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