Make delicious Walnut Brownie Curly on Holi

New Delhi, 7 March 2020, Saturday

A variety of sweets are made at the Holi festival. The most favorite of these is Ghughara, try this Ghungri with a new twist this year. Let us tell you today how to make Walnut Brownie Curly for the smallest of the big ones


300 g of raindrops

200 mL chocolate sauce

600g brownie

Mix 100 grams

100 g ghee

100g roasted walnuts

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 cardamom powder

200g dark chocolate



First of all mix the raisins, 5 tablespoons ghee, cinnamon and cardamom powder in a pot. Add water to it and bind the dough. Break out the brownie and keep it in a bowl and mix it with chocolate sauce, dark chocolate and roasted walnuts.

Keep this material in the side for filling. Now take the lua from the flour and make a small puri weave and a tablespoon in between. Now heat oil in a pan. Heat the oil and fry it in a saucepan until the light is pink.
