Nine negative! A positive ??






How does the government calculate corona statistics?

In the way of a professor or in the way of a corrected banana pit?

Is present, he never says: 'present'

Absentee, soon 'home'

Nine Negatives: One Positive

College professors are proficient and experts in their subject. They never have enough class attendance. But a professor who has his first period must attend. It is a work in progress.

As soon as they enter the class, the attendant clerk puts the attendance book on the table. Meaning, 'Sir, attend'

Sahebshree's presence is complete with complete boredom on his face. Not to mention all the numbers: one, then seven, then thirteen, then twenty-four then forty ... '

When they pronounce 'one' they say 'yes sir' if 'one' number is present. But if he says 'no', he is not allowed to take Saheb with him. They speak five 'numbers' from the whole class. Let the attendance be fulfilled. The attendant clerk returns and takes the book. Finish the rest of the boxes. how ? He only knows that. Sometimes he keeps saying 'it will happen later'.

At one point the principal saw the book himself. He was surprised to see only five students in attendance.

I went to the class and saw that the attendance was complete. Was overwhelming. About one hundred students were present.

The big boss, apologizing for the 'disturbance', asked the professor: 'Professor, class attendance is perfect.'

The distracted professor says:

'It will be'

'No,' replied the principal: 'you see. Class attendance is cent per cent '

The professor says: 'It will be. Where do I dispute? And big sir, why do you come to my current class and ask me about attendance? '

'That's why,' said the old man, 'that in this attendance book you have shown the attendance of only five students. All other numbers are blank. '

"That's right, Motasaheb, attendance is enough," said the professor. "If I go to say 'student number one', when will I teach my subject?"

'Listen, Professor,' said the old man, 'this work is yours too. The schedule is the same. What do you say? '

'Everything went according to schedule, my dear big sir!' The professor said: 'Now come on, I will take my subject further.'

'But you must faithfully attend. Professor '

The professor now closed his subject book pressed between his fingers, knocked on the table as if there was a slight noise and asked: 'Sir, big sir, will you tell me if you have hired me as an attendance clerk or as a subject expert professor?' '

'As a subject matter expert professor.'

'Then let me do the same thing, sir!'

"The honorable professor does not seem to be in attendance very often and that too as per our proposal."

'-So your attendant clerk can teach this class Shakespeare?'

'What the heck-bug are you talking about, Professor?'

'Sorry sir, it all started from there but big sir, now I accept my defeat and accept the presence, but in my own way? Or if you make any other arrangements for attendance, our professor will be grateful. '

Seeing the controversy escalating, the principal left, but he must have seen some 'logic' in the professor's argument! So he started ‘work’ in the other direction.

He said to the attendance clerk: 'Haribhai, now leave the attendance sheet at the door of the class. We will instruct each student to enter the class only after completing his / her attendance.

It started like that.

It lasted a while.

OK? I.e. walked as it should.

If the big boss checked again, the attendance in the attendance sheet was complete. All students were present. In the book.

But there were only five students in the class. The professor was teaching the Panchak only.

The big boss didn't disturb the professor. I went and asked Haribhai.

'Haribhai, what kind of competition is this?'

'Why, sir ?'

'Book attendance is FULL, but there are only five students in the class'


"What did Haribhai say?"

That's right sir students all come. Their presence is fulfilled exactly. But then it goes away ... '

'Gone? Where? '

'Out. In the garden, in the canteen, in the library, in the sports room ... '

'But Haribhai, students are put out of class to go to class.'

'Advantage Students' Haribhai said to the attendance clerk: 'Sir, we wanted the attendance to be proved properly, did it work or not?'

'No, no,' says Motasaheb: 'It doesn't work that way. Students must enter the classroom if they are present, and if they have completed their attendance. ' Must study Students come here to study. Look Haribhai, we have to be tougher. Now let our two clerks stand by the door here. Keep the second door of the class closed so that the snake does not enter from one side and slip through the other. The student must go inside after signing. What did you understand in class? Haribhai!

"Yes, I understand, sir," says Haribhai. "It will be the same now."

Two clerks and two pawnbrokers were present. Students can no longer escape by completing attendance. Students had to sit in the classroom as much as the attendance. Must study

But for how long? There are only a few clerks on guard around the clock. And the peonies are the tune, they are the tune of every instrument.

So let's leave this chapter incomplete here. Let us know that college education means studying, counting, reaping, reaping, reaping or reaping. Smoke whatever the student wants to smoke. But still college is knowledge. That is true.

However its foundation is on primary education. And primary education means primary teacher. They fill the presence so tightly that the number must be certain. Neither more, nor less.

In the children's class, the master completes the attendance only after seeing the children. The first speaks the number, the name the ball. The student must stand up and say 'Ha-ji-saheb'. Sahebshree carefully looks at the student and makes sure that the speaker is correct. Two, three, four ... the attendance goes on. Addressing the five, Sahib asks: 'Why didn't you come yesterday?'

Student says: Mama was going home for dinner?

Absence from school for a single day was considered a crime. Saheb kept saying: 'Then which mama will teach you? However, Mama Masa's excuse will not work anymore. Yes! '

Chokdi means a quartet is placed in the box of the student who is not present.

Paying close attention to the attendance of secondary and higher secondary after primary, Mr. Khant: 'Those who may have been present that day, will need this example.' Such was the connection with the knowledge of presence.

You may be wondering why I am sitting in the area today in addition to the attendance story.

Reader friends! The importance of attendance was then so much more today. There can be no backlash with numbers. Not then, not even in the Corona era today.

For the past six months, the Corona case has been the subject of so much schooling! But if applicable, only college attendance should be present. The coronaries who calculate or advertise seem to us to be collegians.

There must be a difference between the calculation of the government calculation, the calculation of the hospital, or the calculation of the cemetery.

We have to insist on showing that our side is 'good'. The speaker will immediately say: 'The cases have increased, but the examples of getting better have also increased.'

The better the attendance, the sooner the numbers will come out like a difference: 'Percentage we are better than other countries.'

When the percentage is exceeded, it is said that we are still better than Italy.

Attendance with Italy may have begun to say: 'We are much, much better than America.'

Then ‘Brazil’s presence will be noted. And the statistics will show how good we are from Brazil

As if the pole truth of 'nine negative and one positive' will remain there. The calculations will go ahead considering the scales of justice as the 'presence book'.

Sometimes, if the numbers go up or down to '9 positive and one negative', then the standard will be the same: 'Nine negative, one positive'.

Now our child friends are beginning to know the 'negative' in the 'positive'.

The figures are literally scorpion figures. I don't count it as a sting, only the presence of the sting remains.

Teacher attendance does not work. And if it works, the attendance will be sufficient only with the help of the teacher college system. Maybe the education department will have to learn arithmetic accordingly! As a minister and a sentry. Such as education and teaching. Such as government and vegetable. As the king and the people. Such as Dhritarashtra and Gandhari. Aankhe pata to anke pata. The report that Sanjay gives is true.

Six months into the Corona era, we summarize the 'good' in the conclusion. Where did the truthful Yudhisthira speak the whole or the whole truth? 'Elephant or soldier?' I don't know.

Does college education go to waste? If there are five thousand in the book then there is one hundred in the class and if there is 100 in the book then there is zero in the class.
