Purushottamamas Mahatmya and Vrat

Pu rushottamamas is called adhik mas, malmas etc. It is also called 'Dhonda Mass' in Maharashtra. In 'Vajasaneyi - Samhita' (5/30, 7/30) 'Adhikamas' is called 'Ahansapati' and 'Malimluch'. The word 'malmal' is derived from the word 'malimluch'. This 14th month is called Nindya in 'Aitarey-Brahman' (2/1). Some Western pundits are of the opinion that the part of the 'Veda' in which Adhikamas is mentioned dates back to AD. It should have been prepared around 1500 BC. The Vedic scholar of India 'Shankar Balu Dixit' is of the opinion that the 'Adhikamas' system was introduced in AD. There is evidence that it has been prevalent in India since 2000 years ago.

Purushottamamas Mahatmya and his 'Vrat' are described in detail in 'Brihannardiya Purana' as well as in 'Padmapuran'. It tells about the donations made during the month, chanting, ceremonies, fasting and the results of donations etc.

The deity of Adhik Mas or Malmas is considered to be Purushottam Bhagwan or Vishnu Bhagwan. Rather than making this vow for the sake of His grace, Vishnu is asked to fill a bronze pot and donate it to Supatra Wipro. The Puranas also mention giving new shoes, slippers, new umbrellas, gold coins etc. in such donations.

Maharashtra: In the state, such donations are given to the 'son-in-law' in the month of Adhikamas, as the bride and son-in-law are considered to be 'Lakshmi-Narayan Swarup'. (Samudratanya is 'Lakshmi' and Jamairaj is called 'Vishnu')

The deeds which are possible to be done at other times are considered taboo in the extra month, such as: 1) Agnyadhan, (2) Dev Pratishtha, (3) Rajabhishek, (5) Vivah, (4) Upanayan, (Janoidevi), (4) ) Homecoming, (2) Homecoming, (3) Migration, etc. etc.

Shraddha of a person who has died in Adhikamas and Mahalaya is said to be done on that date of Shuddhamas rather than on that date in Adhikamas. The birth month of a child born in the extra month is taken if it is the pure month of that name, it is stated in astrology.

In Adhikamas, it is said to worship Vishnu Swarup 'Suryadev', fast or unite, donate 3 (thirty three) swallowed puris mixed with Gol-Ghee etc. The mantra of charity is as follows.

'' Vishnu-like Sahastranshu :, Sarvapapapranasana :,

Apupatradane, mum paap vyapohatu.

That is, 'Vishnu-like omnipotent Sun God! Destroy all my sins with the Apup-Dan (donation of Galipuris) that I have done.

Then there is daily devotional prayer, Brahma Bhojan, fasting or eating alone, listening to 'Purushottam-Mahatmya' etc. The fruit of this vow is said to be 'destruction of sins' and 'attainment of happiness and prosperity'.

The story of this vow is briefly described in the scriptures as follows:

"King" "Nahush" got Indrapada and he became insane. So he did the work of Indrapatni 'Shachi'. To go to Sachi's palace, King Nahus stopped sages like 'Agastya' to lift his palanquin. The scaffolding was moving at a slow pace. So King Nahus, sitting on the palanquin, became disgusted and angrily called the sage Agastya 'serpent serpent' (let's go as soon as possible). Hearing this, the sage Agastya uttered a curse, 'O foolish one, Kami, King Nahus! You become a serpent (snake-poisonous insect). '' Due to such a curse of the ascetic sage Agastya, King Nahus has fallen into serpentine. Finally, on the orders of 'Maharshi Vyas', the serpent-like Nahus performed Adhikamasavrat (Purushottamamas Vrat), as a result of which he was freed from the serpent's vagina and attained Punyalok.

Astrology says that in order to match the lunar year and the solar year, the average lunar year after 3 (thirty two) or 3 (thirty three) lunar years is called 'adhikamas'. There is usually a 'solar eclipse' in each lunar month. In the month in which not a single such solar revolution takes place, i.e. the lunar month which falls completely during two solstices, understand the 'excess month'. For example, if the Sun's 'Aries Sankranti' occurs in Chaitra Amas and its 'Taurus Sankranti' does not occur in Vaishakh, then it becomes 'Padve' of the next month, then the month without Asankranti will be 'Adhik Vaishakh' and the month before it will be 'Nij Vaishakh'.

Chaitra, Jyeshtha and Shravan are 'Adhikamas' at the age of 12 years, Ashadh at the age of 18 years, Bhadrapad at the age of 5 years, Ashwin at the age of 181 years and Kartik at the age of 200 years. The masses up to Bhadrapad are called Adhikamas. If Ashwin (Aso) and Karthik (Kartak) became excessive, they are not called that. The year in which Ashwin (Aso) is more, the year is Poush Kshaymas.

At that time, the rituals of both the months are performed in the same month, assuming the path up to two prahos (magshar) and after two prahos. This twin-mass is called 'Sansarpa'. Karthik does not have 'Adhikamas' for the next four months and Ashwin does not have 'Kshaymas' before.

Both the lunar and solar masses have been propagated in India since Vedic times. 'Dvadashmasa: Sanvatsar:' 'That is, a year of 12 months is as old as the Vedic chronology of Kalgana, but the days of the lunar month are only 3 (three hundred and fifty four), which is about 3 (three hundred and sixty five) days of the solar year.

Because of this, 12 lunar months means 1 year. So slowly each mass will wander backwards. The second result will be that in 3 years the number of lunar years will increase by one year. If this is not allowed to happen then one lunar month should be 'excess' after 3 or 4 lunar months. Indian astronomers used this method to match the lunar and solar years.

Samhita and Brahman ‘Yajna’ and ‘Sanvatsar’ are many promises that appear to be synonymous. The 'Yajna' is completed in 18 lunar months, but since the new Yajna begins at the beginning of the year, the Yajnadevata 'Prajapati' spends the extra 15 days preparing for the New Year's Yajna.

This is stated in 'Atharva Veda' (9/11/11). What the Vedas have said in the Rig Veda (1/2/3) should be interpreted as 'Adhikamas', say the Vedic scholars. Thus the proportion of this 'Adhikamas' or 'Purushottamamas' is found in the Vedas.

In Purushottamamas, it is a request to all the devout people to fast, fast, give alms, listen to satsangs, do japa-tapa, uplift their spirituality and be freed from the cycle of birth and death forever.
