- There is only one God, the Creator of the entire universe. He is extremely kind and gracious. There is no worship except Him. Worship Him and obey His commands.
- "I have been sent to bring moral values and good conduct to the pinnacle of development."
- ‘I have been sent to create mercy for the people. You make things easier for people, not difficulties. '
- 'Serve the parents. Do not speak loudly in front of them.
- You are all children of the same parents. It is a gross injustice to discriminate between people in the name of color, caste, language or region.
- Special mercy on women, slaves and orphans.
- The man who does not discriminate between his sons and daughters and nurtures his daughters well and arranges their education properly will go to heaven.
- The one who does not respect the elders and loves the younger ones is not one of us.
- The torments of the afterlife are very unbearable. There will be no relatives, no wealth, no work. Obedience to God's commandments and good conduct is the only way to escape the torments of the Hereafter.
- Your relatives, the poor and orphans are also entitled to your money. Deliver them to their right.
- Don't confuse things. Do not give less than weighed. Don't cheat in business. The one who cheats is not one of us.
- Don't stockpile items to raise market prices. Those who do so deserve harsh punishment.
- Avoid lies, slander and accusations. Don't call people wrong.
- Don't go near obscenity and shamelessness, whether it is hidden or public.
- Remove thorns, stones, etc. from the road. Be humble on earth, not arrogant.
- Speak the truth or be silent.
- Complete the given futures.
- Witness for truth and justice - even if it hurts you or your family.
- Fighting against injustice is dear to God.
- Don't use more than you need. Do not abuse water even if you are on the river bank.
- Keep your body, clothing and home clean and tidy. When you wake up, wash your hands first.
- Anyone who dies while associating another with God will go to hell.
- If you serve your parents, keep them happy, obey them, you will go to heaven. If you hurt them, hurt their heart and leave them, you will go to hell.
- The best person among you is the one who treats his women beautifully.
- Speaking the truth (true and just) against an oppressive, cruel and tyrannical ruler is the greatest jihad.
- Taking interest is such a deadly sin as committing adultery with one's mother.
- Treat others as you would like them to treat you.
- Alcohol, gambling, betting are haraam. Stay away from it.
- Habib Sheikh
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