Tu Lasidasji has woven Indian life values well into Ram Charit Manas. The chariot of Tulsi described by Tulsi during the battle of Rama-Ravan is unique, just like the battle of Rama-Ravan. To fight against Rama, Ravana comes in a chariot, armed. Rama, on the other hand, is ready to face Ravana with his bare feet holding a bow and arrow in his hand. Seeing that scene, Vibhishan is worried about his friend Ram. Tulsidasji has composed a wonderful book here:
Rao's Rathi Birath Raghubira
Dekhi bhibhishan bhayu adhira
Doubt more love
Sneha including Bandi Charan Kah
After seeing Ravana in the chariot, Vibhishan is worried about Rama who went to war without a chariot. Giving the cause of that concern, Tulsi has made another nice observation: Adhik Preeti Man Bha Sandeha. For someone who has a lot of love, there is anxiety in the heart, so it is natural to have anxious doubts about his ability. The horror of watching the war so far is lost when a dangerous-powerful warrior like Ravana himself comes against Rama on the battlefield. Even though Rama has shown unparalleled bravery in the war so far, seeing Ravana's preparation, Vibhishan's patience comes to an end and he worries whether Rama will be victorious against Ravana or not.
Rambhakta Viveki Vibhishan saluted Shriram and said with affection: O Nath! You have no chariot, no shoes to wear on your feet, no shield. How do you defeat the mighty Ravana?
Kripanidhan Shriram, resolving Vibhishan's suspicion, replies: O friend! Listen, this is not the chariot that gives victory to the warrior in the battlefield, it is another chariot.
What is that chariot like? Describing it, Tulsi creates a miracle.
Sauraj Dhiraj Tehi Rath Chaka
Truth seal firm flag flags
Bal Vivek Dum Parhit Ghore
Chhama Kripa Samata Raju Jore
Embracing Indian values, Tulsi describes Rama's invisible chariot in words: Courage and patience are the two wheels of Rama's chariot. Truth and modesty are the enduring flags and banners of the chariot of virtue. The four virtues of strength, (strength, eloquence), conscience, breath (restraint) and altruism (altruism) are in the role of horse in the chariot. To tie the four horses, Tulsi uses the ropes of forgiveness, mercy and equality.
Rama explained the structure of the chariot to Vibhishan. Tulsidasji continues the description of Rama's Srimukh Rath
Sujana from the essence of this bhajan
Birti skin satisfaction grace
Dan Parsu Buddhi Sakti Prachanda
Bur bigyan hard kodanda
The worship of God is from the essence of the chariot. If Harismaran-Shraddha happens with goodness, it will not be with goodness like that, Tulsi says it will be with clever goodness. The warrior riding in that chariot has a shield called Vairagya and a sword of contentment. There is an ax in the form of donation. The sharp intellect of that warrior is his immense power. Excellent science works like a strong bow.
Amal Achal Man Tron Samana
Sum jim rule silimukh nana
Kavach Abheda Vipra Gur Puja
This is not the second victory
In the form of a pure and stable mind, there are arrows like sham (controlling the mind), yama (yoga or controlling the senses) and niyama. The worship and blessings of the Gurus are the same shield. There is no other way to win like this. That is the victory of the warrior.
Reconciling the mind of Rama Vibhishan says: Sakha dharmamay as rath jake, jitan kahan na katahun ripu tak. Hey friend! No enemy can defeat anyone who has the chariot of such a religion. Or a warrior who goes out to fight in a chariot of such a religion has no enemies. Tulsidasji writes that this chariot is connected with life-death and the world:
Maha Ajay Sansar Ripu Jiti Sakai So Bir
Jake as rath hoi drdh sunhu sakha matidhir
Rama here calls Vibhishan Dhirbuddhi. See the liking of Tulsi's words! Vibhishan was impatient when he doubted Rama's victory. He had lost his temper, but began to give the understanding of Dharmarath like Shriram that his doubts were beginning to be resolved. Vibhishan realized that Ravana could not face Rama's Dharmarath with his powerful demonic chariot. As soon as he understood that, his patience returned in horror. Ram noticed that and finally ended the conversation by calling Vibhishan 'Dhirbuddhi'. Dharmarath's description began with Vibhishan's 'impatience' and ended with 'Dheeraj'.
The battle of Rama-Ravan was not a war between two warriors or between two kings, it was a war of demonic nature against human values. It was a war between materialism and morality. At first glance, Rama did not have any such weapon. Ravana could not be matched with a chariot or skill, but the virtues of Rama could not be matched with Ravana.
Tulsi has elaborated on human values through Rama's Dharmarath. That Dharmarath was not just Ram's chariot. Through it, Tulsi gives a message to mankind. If any human being has these virtues, then every kind of Ravana in life can be defeated. Any situation can be controlled.
The biggest challenge can be overcome, success can be achieved. At different ages in life, this Dharmarath can guide us in a new way. It is said that interpretations can be deduced from this Dharmarath which makes the student feel the work and teaches the lesson to the businessman, also gives a message to the worldly and also shows the way to the seeker.
Heroism is the first step required to overcome all challenges. A new beginning is not possible without adventure. Frustration comes when young people are adventurous but can't be patient. No achievement is achieved overnight. It takes patience and effort.
After success, if the virtues of truth and virtue have blossomed, then the flags of achievement are flying. Otherwise, despite being an adventurer, a man becomes infamous instead of becoming famous. Man is asked in the fifth if honesty is mixed with good behavior, good nature. Even if a lying man gains fame by showing adventure, showing talent, he will not get respect.
What if the galloping horses of success become naughty? Success swells from peak to valley! In order to prevent this from happening, one has to pay special attention to the choice of chariot horse. The virtues of discretion, restraint and altruism along with strength help keep man down to earth. Mankind is enlightened if there is a look of compassion and forgiveness in it. If horses are tied with such ropes, the horses of a man's life sometimes do not go in the wrong direction.
If the reins of such a horse are in the hands of a faithful clever charioteer, it does not allow a man to stray from his path. In order to be successful in any field, it is necessary to have faith to stick to it in addition to all the untiring efforts. If there is no self-confidence in one's efforts, the efforts are in vain, the bhajan of God is symbolic in this. Suppose a businessman like Steve Jobs grasped a formula and worked in the same direction continuously, it could have done an unprecedented job.
A frustrated man may commit suicide when he does not get the desired result for one reason or another after doing everything. That condition can be avoided by asceticism and contentment. Abstinence is not about being a hermit. The idea of seeing and understanding the situation like a recluse without getting frustrated after losing like Dhoni. Satisfaction of the moment in what was found. These qualities act as a shield. These qualities become the shield of man in the dangerous blow of failure.
After paying the blow, if the man has sharp intellect, knowledge and science, then he becomes ready to fight anew, and like the arrow shot from the bow, he also hits the target.
This is the chariot with which Rama defeated the armed Ravana. The specialty of this chariot of Tulsi is that it can be useful to all of us. Man has to fight against many Ravanas in his daily life, if he gets the support of this invisible chariot, he will start running without Dussehra!
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