In this article we have seen that the definition of human happiness is threefold. Which is based on their own physical mental and spiritual level. It is Pleasure, Joy and Bliss. You can call it Tamasic Rajasic and Sattvic Happiness respectively. You may be surprised to learn that all the major functions of the brain are carried out by neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, ach oxytocin, and neuropeptides (chemicals) such as endorphins. Our emotions, thoughts, tendencies, these are all basically chemical processes.
Which changes from moment to moment. So happiness, sorrow, love, jealousy, compassion, anger or mental illnesses like anxiety, depression are all chemical. Which is due to fluctuations or imbalances of the above chemicals. In neuroscience, all these neurotransmitters and their circuits can be specially studied and measured by very advanced machines such as fMRI, SPECT, PET. So let us understand in simple language.
The first thing to look for is happiness. Pleasure is physical happiness, it is sensual, it can be called tamasic happiness. Human beings who live only on a physical level consider sensual pleasures to be happiness. Subjects of the five senses such as eating and drinking, wandering and music, fragrance and censored happiness.
Thus revelry is their happiness. If FMRI and SPECT tests are done during such a procedure, the blue and red part of the brain is activated as shown in the picture above and the main chemical for the blue part is dopamine and the red part chemical is serotonin and the part shown in the picture is theirs. There is a circuit.
Dopamine is the chemical of Reward Sarpav. The reward of a process, dementia (euphoria) and the motivation behind it is dopamine and serotonin is a chemical for confidence, hope, mood and mood. Wherever man gets sensual happiness in the form of sarpava, he reaches it with lust. The more moments his desires are fulfilled, the happier he feels, but the desires are infinite! This pair of dopamine serotonin arouses more curiosity in man as daily desires are not fulfilled and such desires cease to be satisfied. Causes pain, and makes man feel miserable. This sorrow is greater than the first happiness. Thus even modern science agrees with the scriptures that sensual material happiness gives momentary happiness but ultimately gives more and more pain and sorrow.
Dopamine is also found in fruits such as apples, nuts, curries, milk, cheese, yoghurt, and chocolate. Individuals with extroverted genes have a special secretion of dopamine. Since it is derived from intoxicating drugs like cocaine, methamphetamine, people are addicted to dementia. All of this is due to dopamine.
At the Rajas level, the word Joy can be used to define happiness. This is a human trait that is higher than the previous fauna and lasts a little longer. Success, social service, achievement, earning money, receiving honors and especially creative activities, to lead. We saw in the next issue that all this comes under satisfactory activity. According to neuroscience research, the main neurotransmitter chemicals are Oxytocin, Vasopressin, Prolactin. Along with the desire-fulfilling chemicals dopamine, serotonin is real. There are desires, cravings, but not a little cultivar. It provides a purpose in life. People have a spirit of helping. At the same time, it is characterized by social love, equality, connection and emotional bonds. Confirmation of ego and mutual trust are also part of the emergence of alleged chemicals.
The bliss of bliss that shines through meditation, prayer, sadhana, swadhyaya is the ultimate bliss.
Joy: A circuit of oxytocin and vasopressin
This picture shows the chemicals of Santosh (Joy) and its circuit. One thing we should explain is that a person earns money, gets awards, does social work or does creative creative activities (e.g. creating a picture of music or a book) ... he is very satisfied with all that ... it is natural. This kind of happiness, merriment, fun lasts relatively longer than happiness, it is understandable. Happiness of creativity, creativity or honor etc. spontaneously shines from within and at the same time it needs the outside world for expression as well. For example, someone draws a beautiful picture or creates beautiful music ... but what if there is no one to applaud it? So how long does his satisfaction last? Your assets, your awards, etc. need a note of acceptance from the outside world. It confirms pride. Feelings, faith, love also have to come from outside. So to some extent it is parasitic. Back then, not all of them were eternal. Wealth, honor is today. And not even tomorrow because it is perishable. So in the end, only grief comes and stays.
So, which happiness is the most long-lasting or eternal or intimate? Spirituality answers that happiness which shines from within itself, which does not depend on the outside world and whose inner spring never dries up, is intimate and eternal. The bliss of bliss which emanates from meditation, prayer, penance, self-study, sadhana, which flows compassionately towards the creatures of the world, and which is attained by higher spiritual persons through selfless service and public welfare is the ultimate bliss There is true happiness. The success and failure of the outside world, the acceptance of it has nothing to do with it. And neuroscience confirms this. Endorphins, encephalins, endocannaboids (anandamide), GABA ... these four chemicals mainly give man happiness and inner peace (GABA chemical). Happiness of true bliss, it also always gives peace. No one can grab this happiness. GABA is a peace of mind and endorphin is a painkiller that is secreted from the pituitary-hypothalamus and nearby parts of the brain. Endocannaboids are the accompanying hormone to alleviate pain and make you feel happy. (In order)
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