Kill me
If the map is found
To me
To reach.
-Lata Soni Kanuga 'Well'
The 15th world map was made in Europe. Which was drawn on leather by Venetian cartographer Giovanni Liardo. The maker of the map has to pay homage. Were it not for these maps, we would not know that the earth is round. Maps brought cities closer and science expanded. Map is the original Arabic word. The Gujarati language map has been enriched by accepting words from many languages. Gujaratis have always welcomed Uttam. They are also mixed with sugar in milk. The map is drawn on paper but its work is further up. We can never reach the destination if we sit on the basis of a map that does not trust the palmistry and has to check the possibility of arm strength.
The one who is skilled in drawing maps is called Navis. The better the work on the map, the easier it is to achieve the goal. However, Bahubali reaches his destination without any map or footsteps. However such exceptions are very rare. This map is very important when traveling by sea. Recognizes every bump coming into the ocean and is aware of water traffic policy rules.
In air transport, one cannot walk or operate without a map. Air travel has become easier in the age of technology. It is like studying the mind map of many Sunita Williams adjacent to the sky. As it is said, a house is built according to a map, but nature moves according to its own pleasure. There is instinct in nature. There is discipline in the timetable but there is inertia somewhere. The true traveler can distort the map. Poets can float in the river of maps. Horses of imagination and horses of perception never run out. A true craftsman can see the palace even on a map. In earlier times kings used to destroy maps after they became palaces. So that such a palace could not be rebuilt. The detective story reads that different people have a map of the secret treasure in different pieces.
"True navigation begins in the human hearts," said Elizabeth Lindsay. Finding a map of the human heart is one of the most difficult tasks in the world. Get there by eye. Some people's facial expressions are such that we cannot live without being overwhelmed by them. Each eyebrow follows the flower map. Even if the destination becomes a map, Algari will never have a map of the trail! There is a myth of 'I am wandering wherever I go'. No matter what, it's on the map ...! The floor fills with water as it grasps the vein of the map. When the directions become a wall, we turn the map into an ocean. The most dangerous moment in the world is when the map looks at you kindly.
A complex map of the world is also made easier with GPS Google Maps. The Internet is an infinite blessing of God. According to a research, only 10% of people search the net for useful information. As Ramesh Parekh says, "These signs, these rumors, these references, these events, the whole map will never change." Time constraints are the reason why some work maps cannot be completed even though they are perfect. Even if the maps of spies get into someone's hands, they will not know about it. There are special people who make these secret maps.
The map largely presents a geographical picture. Richard Addis Harris created a series of maps during World War II. The map of life cannot be completed with the instincts that were sufficient in the geography paper. Gita, who gives many life mantras like Karmanyevadhikaraste, changes the map of life.
Maps are also used to show contour lines for information on temperature, precipitation, etc. In the map of the border between the two countries, the people on the border are scattered. In the story of Sahadat Hasan Manto and in the film 'Begumjan', the sensation of a city girl is seen on the map of two countries. Cartogram Contour, Estate, Nautical, Thematic, etc. are types of maps. The roadmap is the most famous of all.
The first atlas was published in 190 under the title Theater of the World. The map of Gujarati ghazals changes with the posthumous collection 'Naksha' of the all time shire patient in '18. The patient says that 'in the form of an art, be different from the world, be a map, be a poem, be a story.' Thousands of miles of distance maps have removed cellphones. Only when Neh's map is drawn on the border of affection will true brotherhood be revealed.
Today, the map of the world has turned black due to the shadow of the black corona. Looking forward to a healthy map. With the invention of printing, maps became readily available and unfamiliar corners of the world opened up. Most world maps are political or physical.
Roads from all over the world are opened on the touch screen of mobiles from the time when maps have to be made. Only with the help of a map you can reach the destination but you can't achieve it ... There is also the advantage of forgetting, getting acquainted with an unfamiliar alum. Some even have a map in their eyes. If you have a road map from man to man ...
see you soon...
Etiquette is the adornment of human behavior. What if it's superficial? Even though the dew point is the same, the flowers are more beautiful. - Emerson
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