Siddhahem's adornment and heroic miraculous duha

Acharya Shri Hemchandracharyaji, who has universal knowledge in his literature by cultivating the survey directions of Sanskrit-Prakrit Wadhmay, has been unique all over India. Acharya, who is well versed in survey subjects like poetry, grammar, rhyme-metaphor, yoga-justice, and namkosh, has faithfully studied the standard texts of the time and has compiled many talented texts.

Inspired by Patnapati, Vidyavyasangi Siddharaj Jaysingh, Acharya Shri wrote a unique grammar book called 'Shri Siddhahemshabdanushasan', the pride of Gujarat. This composition, which is spread over eight chapters, sheds light on the grammar of Sanskrit and Apabhramsa languages. The first seven volumes give a simple explanation of Sanskrit grammar nouns, consonants, consonant conjunctions, names, factors, feminine suffixes, conjunctions, narratives and adverbs. So in the last eight volumes, the grammatical details of Prakrit and Apabhramsa like Paishachi, Magadhi, Chulika, Maharashtri, Shoursaini are discussed. In addition, the five organs of grammar, Sutra, Ganapathasahitvritti, Dhatupatha, Unadi and Linganushasana have also created themselves.

Moreover, since the study of this grammar is a bit difficult, in order not to make it dull, he has occasionally recited duhas describing the juices of heroism, perversion and sexual adornment. In which, besides the main ones of Srungar Rasa, there are eighteen Veeras, sixty doctrinal, ten Jains, five mythological legends, two Mahabharata related, two Raja Munj related Duhars. These duas echo the generosity, patriotism, pride, drunkenness, etc. of the people of that time. Thus, although Duho is a very short composition in terms of literature, it is also called 'Duho Dasmo Veda' as it documents the social life of the people of that time. Duho is the floating folklore of that time. Even in this two-line composition, there is a wonderful expression of beauty, heroism or wonderful interest. like,

"Hiai khudukkai gordi gayani dhudukkai mehu

Vasartti pavasuah wisma sankadu ehu ''.

(Namely: Gauri makes a noise in Haiya, a cloud is created in the sky. On a rainy night, tourists are in trouble.)

'' Vaisu Uddavantiae Piu Ditthu Sahasatti

Addha Valaya Mahihi Gay Addha Kutt Tadatti ''

(That is, while flying the crow, he suddenly fell on the ground with half of the bullets (from the deer's hand) lying on the pew and half of them (not being swollen by the sight of the pew) cracked and broke.

'' Pai Vilaggi Antradi Sihu Lhasiu Khandhassu

So vs Katarai Hatthadu Bali Kijju Kantassu ''

(Meaning: The legs are full of intestines. The head is leaning on the shoulders, but the dagger in the hand is spinning, on the throat that turns)

'' Bhalla hua ju maria bahini mahara kantu,

Lajjejjan tu vayasiahu jai bhagga dharu antu "

(I mean, well done, sister, my throat got stuck in the desert

If I had run away and come home, I would be ashamed to die in front of my friends)

Putten jaane kavanu gunu avagunu kavanu muen,

Ja buppiki bhundi champijjai avaren.

(Namely: If Bapdada's land is encroached by another (Ripu), what is the benefit from the birth of a son and what is the loss from its death?)

In these duhas of Siddham, the hero is equally well portrayed. It also gives a wonderful description of the heroism, bravery, drunkenness and curiosity of the heroes of that time. So some duhas seem to be in the form of enlightening liberators, such as,

'' If Gun Govai Appana Pavda Karai Parsu

Tasu hou kali-jugi dullahho bali kijju suansassu ''

(I.e.: on the rare gentleman in Kali Yuga who covers his virtues and reveals the parka

Let's go.)

'' Supuris kanguhe anuharahi bhanu kajje kvanen

Jiv jiv vakattanu lahahi tivan tivan navanhi siren ''.

(Meaning: why does a good man follow a crow, let's see (cause) as he takes the lead (grows) as he heads


The two duhas of erotic interest related to Kalarsik Raja Munj are also wonderfully expressed such as,

"Munj bhanai munalvai juvvanu gayu na zuri

Jai sakkar saykhand thi toi sa mitthi churi ''

(Meaning: Munj says, "Mrinalvati, don't cry for the gone joban, if there are hundreds of pieces of sugar, the crumbs will taste sweet."

Thus, these folk songs of Siddham are the most precious legacy of our literature. Even in its relief, its irony is easily revealed. In short, since Acharyasri was the first to regularize or grammar the Apabhramsa language, he is also known as the 'first water of Apabhramsa'. But the whole of Gujarat will always be indebted to Acharya Shri Hemchandracharya, the first Saraswat of Gujarati literature who pointed the finger at the identity of the people of Gurjar Mandal by sowing the seeds for the emergence and development of Gujarati language and literature.

- Dr. Rishikesh Raval
