The science behind the old customs ... Satsang!

No need to go further back. A generation ago i.e. thirty five years ago, adults, adults, retirees used to go to the temple in the morning and evening to do satsang. Satsangs have been commercialized in the last two decades, but that is not the point. We consider the benefits of satsang and look for a list of work to be done in its place after modernization.

First, mostly walking to a nearby temple for a satsang. Coming and going twice a day. Slightly walking four or five kilometers. Now it has to be announced that one should walk for an hour or five kilometers every day.

Second, chanting loudly in satsangs. Throat and lung exercises were done. Right now you have to go to laughing clubs for this.

Third, clapping for half an hour while singing the praises. What a wonderful exercise. Currently acupuncture treatment involves clapping to press all the points of the palm and fingers.

Fourth, get rid of everyday work, get a new atmosphere for a while, remember God, calm your mind, get in the habit of sitting still. At present for this one has to spend Rs.

Fifth, in a satsang, all kinds of good people are contacted and practical knowledge is obtained and a person is formed. There is no need to watch the current serial of mother-in-law Wahu.

Sixth, Bhajan Kirtan stories get in the habit of being read because the Puranas are not memorized. Everyone attending the satsang read the lessons in turn. Reading is forgotten now.

Last, but also a little funny fact. When kinship is decided in a satsang. At the end of the satsang, Doshiyu and Bhablav would sit for panchat and get information from each other for seven generations and decide the kinship of several sons and daughters. At present, transactions have to resort to marriage bureaus and matrimonial sites.

Overall, the old customs were such that one activity inadvertently covered a lot of work. There are a lot of works right now that we have confused with B specific, B specific. Think. Astuh
